Thursday, April 20, 2006

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess Ill go eat worms...

And that's just what little Sebastian did! I told you guys he puts everything in his mouth. Makenneh brought in a few worms from her little worm hunt today. She had them in a small container on the coffee table. Well, brother seemed to think they looked absolutely delectible and so he put them in his mouth. I had my lap full of stuff that i had to set aside before i could get to him and i was just hoping to get there before he started to chew! I wasnt sure i would be able to hold my stomach contents in if I had to watch him chew up a slimy worm. So, i get to him with half a worm dangling from his mouth! I gently pull and slurp! Out comes the worm! OMG, it was disgusting! He did start to chew a little after that, but i just pretended not to notice and told myself there was nothing in his mouth. LOL. So, add worms to the list of gross stuff the kid has put in his mouth. And don't leave out sand either. He cannot be outside without eating fist fulls of sand. And have you changed a diaper with sand in in? Im sure most of you have. It's not the least bit fun. That shit sticks and just doesnt seem to come off.

The good news (or bad news from a financial stand point) is that I do not have to babysit tomorrow. I am kinda glad, as having the time off will be nice. These kids are worse now that it is nice outside. The boys won't stay in the yard, so i just can't have hte boys out when I am the only one to chase after them and keep them in the yard, free of foreign objects in their mouths, out of mischief, etc. The girls on the other hand, spend all day out in the sandbox or digging for worms. And i spend the day fighting the boys off the door bc they constantly are hudini-ing out the damn thing. And the girls run in and out, in and out, in and out. Let the summer fun begin....

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