Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Counting down til the Birthday Party

Well, this weekend we will have the birthday party for Makenneh and Sebastian. There will most likely be too many ppl to all be in the house, so we are hoping for decent weather. But, I have the pinata made, just need to get it painted and decorated. I have about 180 taco shells. Yes, im crazy and decided to do tacos for a bday party. But the theme is Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego, Go! so i figured we would stick with a Fiesta theme for food as well. Along with tacos, we will have nachos and cheese/salsa, guacamole dip, taco salad, taquitos, fiesta Cheezits...and of course, cake and ice cream. We are also doing some sloppy joes, just in case anyone doesnt want the tacos. Im excited to see how it all goes over. This is the first time we have done tacos for a big party like this. Heck, mom didnt even like making tacos when it was all of us at Now, we are doing it for about 50 ppl or so. Im excited about the party, just bc i have put forth some effort. Now as long as the weather cooperates, we shall have a wonderful day. I even printed out activity pages from NickJr, have a big box full of crayons, markers and pencils...kid safe scissors, glue sticks, string, all the goodies. Instead of doing goody bags full of junk...i got each kid a sports sipster. For girls, they get Dora, the boys get either Batman or Taz (thats just what they had that wasnt too girly) and then i have a few that are pretty neutral. They will also each get an 8ct pack of crayons and I think i will print out a coloring book from the NickJr site for each kid to take home as well. And even doing it this way, i still think its cheaper than doing goody bags, by the time u buy bags, little trinkets, and candy or whatever. I found these cool sipsters at Family Dollar for $1 a piece. And the bottle is inside a case that tightens around it, to "insulate" it and that insulator is what the characters are on. Mom tells me I'm a "fish". Really, I am. It may have came from working at a party supply store for so many years and seeing all the neat ideas but who knows. At any rate, I love to do the little things like that for the parties. If only I would be this motivated to clean the But what fun is that? Those dishes really can wait til later. I is ok.

So....everyone send the nice weather here for Saturday. This Michigan weather is psychotic to say the least. We got a touch of spring to tease and then yesterday it was cold and snowing..yes SNOWING! And it stuck too. There was a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. =(

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

The party sounds like fun! :)

Yes, we had snow here too. I hope yours melted. Ours did. But oh my, where did our spring go!?!

It does look chilly here this weekend. I will hope for sun for you! :) It always makes it feel warmer.