Wednesday, March 21, 2007

aaahhhh.....peace *update about fish*

I just read Julie's comment..yeah, i remember seeing that...and that was why i was wondering about these egg things...and maybe the other fish laid them but they won't be fertilized, as there is no male..i dunno. I guess we just have to wait and see?!

My mother in law kept Makenneh last night and my mom kept Sebastian. I am child-free. What to do with myself?! I am sipping a capaccino and just enjoying the quiet. Eventually, im gonna have to tackle laundry and Makenneh won't be home til I pick her up from school tonight...and I will have to go get SEbastian. Do i haaaveee tooooo?? LOL.

Last night, as i walked past our fishtank, i noticed patches of little white "things" on the sides of the glass...thinking it was some sort of algae or other growth, i stepped closer to investigate...they are small eggish looking things. I have no idea where they came from. I have 2 red fish in there (i think they are red wag platy) and a bottom feeder/algae eater. I never knew fish to "lay" eggs on sides of fish tanks...but hey, what do i know. I am curious to see what happens, but i must admit, the "picker" part of me wants to scrape them damn things off the sides of the tank. From the little bit that i read online last night..i don't think they will survive, even if i do have a male and female in the red fish. They will most likely be eaten, especially given the fact that I have no plants in the tank right now...just the rocks. I wish we had the money, bc i would go get some good plants for cover/spawning and also a baby fish net thing to seperate any potential baby fish. But, if "ifs" were 5ths, we would all be drunk.....sooo such is life.

Chris (mother in law) copied the maps for us for the bridal shower and baby shower, so now i have to cut them....we did 6 on a page..yippee. I would love to have one of those industrial type paper cutters, like the teachers had. I love those things!!! and it sure would make jobs like this much easier! Instead, i get this paper cutter, that does one paper at a time..slide the blade across the found in the scrabbook sections, ya Ah well.

Well the weather is gloomy today, but i heard on the radio this morning, it's supposed to get up to 52 today. I can take that.

Ok, im off to finish up on here and get cutting...


Julie Q said...

That is so nice of the Grandmas to take the kids for you. It sounds very peaceful.

No clue on the fish. My Mom used to take care of my brother's guppies. She had a little tank (OK, plastic container) that sat in the tank that she's scoop the little ones into. You do have to be there when they are born though.

Looking gloomy here too. The warmer temps should warm our hearts though, right? :)

Julie Q said...

I looked up red wag platy, according to this web site:

They have live births. They don't lay eggs. Either those are not eggs or you have a different kind of fish? :)

The other me said...

You are so lukcy with your kiddies and their sleepovers! None of mine has EVER stayed anywhere overnight. Lucky you, hope you had a lovely rest.