Saturday, March 03, 2007

Out with the truth...

So, we had a bit of an argument this morning. I get frustrated with him and his video games and how lately he hasn't done much of anything around the house...i have to tread lightly here bc i must say that on the weekends he does pick up the living room/vacuum/laundry. But, what im talking about is the every day stuff. He will get something to eat and leave everything out, sometimes even the stuff that needs refridgeration/freezer, leaves his coffee cup on the desk or end table, leave his plates/bowls on the living room tables, etc. I get sick of going behind him and picking it up. He also hasn't taken the trash out in sooo long i couldn't tell you the last time he did. THen, he had the audacity to come in from work on friday and ask when i planned on taking the trash up that was on the porch. It was toys and stuff from the kids' room. Sure, i admit it sat there almost an entire week, but damn, how many times did he come and go and not take it? When i come and go, i have 2 kids to get loaded in the car...he rarely has even just one to take and load. I guess that was the icing on my cake. Then, i "polled" the ladies on one of the bz boards i go to, and most husbands have specific chores they do around the house daily, even when the wife is a stay at home mom! so, of course, that gave me some amunition..i knew i wasn't expecting too much or talking out my rearend! Well, this morning when i mentioned his video game deal and how i hate the weekends bc all he does is play games, he got an instant attitude and says, "well i hate coming home to a messy house every night and having to spend the weekend cleaning". Whoa! He is right about the messy house..i am a sucky housekeeper and i will never try to tell anyone different. But, first he doesn't spend his entire weekend cleaning...and he never does more than the things i mentioned above. HE doesn't touch the kitchen or the bathroom. I told him that i would just like for him to help out on a daily basis. He said that i can't keep using the excuse that i clean and hte kids mess it up. But wait...every time he cleans the living room, he says the same thing. And it is much harder to keep the house clean when chasing kids out of everything. You get one out of something and the other is bringing something else out or making another mess. Add that to the fact that i get frustrated with him not helping and get a case of the "eff its"..and well, messy house! It didn't get to a heated argument, bc i refrained from raising my voice and i talked with reason. I admitted to my shortcomings and the things i need to change, and asked that he just do the same. So, after talking, we agreed that I will spend less time on the computer and keep up the house work, but he has to spend less time on the xbox360 and more time with family and helping out. Tomorrow, i plan to talk about what chores he can do to help out. I don't see why he can't be the primary person in charge of the trash. I have no problem taking it up to the dumpster when im on my way out and don't have a handful and then some, but for the most part, he can and should do it. I am also going to put him in charge of vacuuming or doesn't have to be anything major..just something to show that he recognizes my work around the house and that he is willing to pitch in. We also agreed to eat at the table. I am sick of picking up plates, cups, etc from all over. It is rediculous. I'm not a maid.

Nothing too exciting has gone on...just a blah kinda day. So, nothing real exciting to blog about. In fact, i think im gonna head to bed...which i get all to myself bc he fell asleep in the kids' room with sebastian!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

My hubby isn't a huge help around the house, but he never complains if it isn't done. I do try, but I'm not the best housekeeper myself. It was really hard when our older three were little and I was working.

He (or my older son) usually do all the trash.

I hope your talk helped.