Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I could be a millionare

I played the megamillions for the first time in my life. I have NEVER bought a ticket for any of the lotto games before. Jeremy wanted me to get 2 easy picks, bc the jackpot is up to like $370 million. Just what ever would i do with that much money? The numbers have been drawn, im sure, but i will not check them until after this post...bc for now, i can bask in the minute possibility that I am a winner! LOL. I have to say that i told the clerk i wanted 2 easy picks, he printed one. i looked at the numbers and was shocked,bc they were numbers I love and would have picked! I almost said forget the second ticket, but jeremy wanted two, so i had him do another one.

So, what would i do if we won that much money? Well, first off, by the time you pay the taxes on it, it would be much less...like cut it in half, bc we would also take the lump sum...But that's still more money than i can comprehend! We would buy a house (or maybe 2...lol), new vehicles, new clothes, all that stuff. I would buy my parents a house and his dad a house. I would pay off all of our debt and my parents' debt. I would give some money to each of our siblings, set up trust funds for our kids, help out some family members and friends.....and well, by the time we did all this, would we be broke yet? I really can't fathom that amount of money. I mean,would we really be broke after having done all that? I would pay for my uncle to get his divorce and pay off his bankruptcy...give him a fresh start. Probably try to buy him a house too, as it seems we should have enough to do that. I mean, we don't need big, elaborate houses, but rather, practical homes. Same with vehicles...i wouldn't buy a porsche or lamborgini (can't even spell it)....I would go for a decked out mini van, of course. LOL. I would just pay for my sister's wedding, so she didn't have to worry about that. And then, of course, that would mean giving my brother an equal amount of money as well...Don't know...would i be broke yet? LOL. I would definitely give money to charity and I would love to "adopt" a family in need and just make thier dreams come true the best i could. I think that would feel soooo incredibly nice.
Anyway, the ideas are endless and i could blog about it all night. But, the reality is, we aren't winners, im most certain! This is how I know:
Jeremy was bs-ing with the guys at work...they were all pipe dreaming about what they would do with the money....Jeremy went to slam his fist down on the table for emphasis as he said, "with my luck, i won't win anyway..." and cut the last 3 fingers on his right hand...deeply. It looks so gross, my stomach turns thinking about it. They decided he didnt' need stitches, but i wonder who "they" think they are...lol. I think he could use a few here and there. But, ya know how men are?! So, see, even to speak of such luck...causing pain and injury. How's that for bad luck? We are broke as heck this week and then i had to go buy good bandaides (bc the ones i have are plastic and not conducive to moving your fingers and such as he is going to need to do at work) and neosporin bc mine has vanished...

Oh and Helen....seems how you are not convinced that Makenneh could be anything but sweet and delicious and all that good stuff....can I please send her your way for a year? Hhehhehehe! Please? I can have her packed and ready in no time at all? And did i mention, they are a packaged deal? LOL. Of course, i joke about that, but i miss them when they stay 10 mins away at gmas or aunts and uncles...lol. i would probably go crazy if she were a world away! But, my house would stay clean!

Well, i guess it's time to burst my bubble of being a millionare and go check those numbers...then it's past time to head to bed....wish me luck...but watch your fingers as you do so *wink*

Eta: I have trying to get the numbers and every time i click a link, it gets an error page or something doesn't work....hmmmm..im not even supposed to know the numbers,i guess! LOL The suspense is killing me...lol

So i finally got the numbers and......we matched one lousy number out of the whole mess....so no millionares here! not surprised...are you?

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Ah yes, but it is fun to dream isn't it?

Two years ago, I thought I needed a break from the kids. My sister offered to take me with her for one day to Buffalo NY to apartment shop. I missed Zachary so bad! I guess I didn't need the break as much as I thought I did. Even though I got to see Niagara Falls for the first time, not to mention in a huge snow storm. Messy, but beautiful. :)