Friday, March 16, 2007

An Hour to Go ~~Updated~~

Until Makenneh's teachers get here. Twice a year they do the Parent-teacher conferences in's part of the headstart program. So, yippee, ours is today. I hate that they have to be on fridays, bc by the end of the week, im exhausted, don't keep up on housework as much and have had my fill of the kids. Not my best day...but oh well! I busted ass in here and it looks presentable. We will be meeting in the living room, so i focused on that, left the kitchen as is, for most part...bc we won't be in there and it isn't too visible. And God, i hope neither of them have to use the bathroom! I did pick it up, so i wouldn't completely die if they had to, but i didn't get to give it a good scrub down like i would prefer before guests use it. I still have to get Sebastian dressed...i would like to have him down for a nap, by 2, but i doubt it will happen. I'm wishing now that I would have asked my mom to keep the monsters for a little bit...but too late now.

I cleaned the fish tank, finally. THat is such a chore. All drains lead to the ocean right? Im about ready to test the theory and flush em down. These 3 fish we have in there are hardy fish though. They can go without filtration, light, food, you name it. They survived months in our bedroom without the tank plugged in at all. I took the water lily out, bc i think that was the biggest source of the green in there...bc we never had that bad of a problem, until i introduced a live plant. OH well, it's gone now and hopefully the tank stays cleaner now.

The sun is shining and the kids think that means it's warm and they need to be outside. Which, being outside doesn't hurt, but today it is chilly and I have 100 things to get done. I can let makenneh on the porch without direct supervision..i can see her from here...and she knows to stay on porch. But Sebastian is another story..he will shoot for the street the first chance he gets.

Ok, time to get off here and get him dressed and finish up around here!

Well, her teachers came. It was short and sweet. Makenneh is doing great in school.
Teacher comments: (you can bet i won't put them in
Makenneh enjoys school and her friends. She plays well with others and can lead or be led. She has input and seems very happy always.
She also said that Makenneh has good table manners. She knows how much food to take, uses utensils, etc. The only thing to work on is keeping her pants up. We have a big problem with this because she is chunky in the belly and her pants just don't fit right. I did find the belt i had bought her and we've been using that, but yesterday when she got home from school, she ran to the bathroom and peed in her pants before she even got them down. So, i told the teacher I think she has trouble with the belt at they can be aware of it. I will talk to her too about asking the teachers for help if she has to go potty and can't undo her belt.

She brought the page that makenneh traced her numbers on and she did very well. she didn't like doing the 5's though. They were quite sloppy. But, the rest of the numbers were great! Miss Wendy also made a number book for each kid to have at home...with numbers 1-10. They learn a little poem with each number, she included the poem, then each number has it's own page, where she wrote the number in a solid line, then dotted lines and then two pages blank for kids to practice.

I got a postcard in the mail today from my aunt and uncle who just moved to AZ. Of course, i talk to one of them almost everyday on yahoo messenger...but it's nice to get something in the mail.

Tomorrow we are getting together on work on bridal shower and wedding things. I can't wait. It will be fun and kid free! Woohoo!

Well, that's it for now! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Sounds like she is doing great! :) Don't you love that! It reflects on you how she does, so by all means, be proud Mom! :)

I buy Zachary Oshkosh jeans. Not the cheapest, but they aren't the most pricey either. There is an oshkosh store at Great Lakes Crossing. Anyway, they have the waist in them that you can adjust to fit. They have worked well for Zachary. He is skinny, but tall, so he needs the legnth, but not the waist. Anyway, if you're ever there you could try them on her just to see. They put on good sales there too. Just an FYI. :)

Hanna, when she was little, had a hard time using buttons, so I had to buy her little jeans with snaps instead of buttons. The Arizona brand at JCPenneys had those.

OK, I will stop for now. :) I'm itching to go up to Great Lakes Crossing one of these days. :) Let me know if I can price something for you or just check it out. Hmmmm, maybe Sunday when we drop off Amanda. It's not too far from her school. he he