Monday, March 26, 2007

Warm weather erupted

Today was just beautiful! The sun was shining, the temps were high (near 80ish) and we were able to wear shorts and tanks and flip flops! How great is that?! My spirits weren't quite as bright as the sunshine, but i did feel better for the most part. I was even able to take a short ride (after dropping Makenneh off at school, i had to go pay a bill) by myself, with the windows down, the radio up. Nevermind that the bill i had to pay took every dollar we had....for a short while, i was free, wind blowing through my hair and sun shining all around me!

I finally discovered I had been dumb and or blind til financial aid report has been processed, i just need to contact the school now. I was expecting something in the mail, but when i really paid attention to the website today, i found that they only mail them if you don't provide a valid email address(which i did). So, i was able to print that off today. I have to call the college now and set up an appt to take the next steps. I am ahead of the ballgame, but that's good. And very unlike me. Im a very big procrastinator. But, this has me on the ball! Knowing my luck, i will be so ahead of hte game, that i will be behind, bc something will come up about it having been too early and will need to reapply or something like that. It certainly is my luck!

Sebastian is talking a lot more now. Most of it is unintelligable to the average ear, but he sure knows what he is saying. He will also answer yes and no and attempt to carry on a conversation! It is so much fun. He means what he says when he says yes and no, it's not just random words...he understands what is asked of him most of the time. He is also getting better in the terrible two department. Of course, i can say that today, we spent most of the day outside, where he is truly happy and then he napped, then i was gone with getting makenneh to school, running errands, etc. LOL. but, really, his stubborness aside, things are getting better. He still thinks the kitchen/dining room is his play ground! I hope to break him of it soon! He also has that selective hearing that comes with being a male child, im

I had to run to the stinking mall today. I hate the mall, for the most part. But, it was nearly 8pm, i had one simple quick mission, so it wasn't too bad. Except, I had Makenneh with me and low and behold, as soon as i got to the store i needed (EB Games) and started the return transaction, makenneh starts doing a pee dance. Well ya know, most stores in the mall don't have bathrooms and i asked where the nearest one was...upstairs...yay! So, thankfully, the clerk was very fast with the transaction, got my refund and was able to head to the bathroom with her. We had to take the escalator and boy did that freak her out. Every time we have been at the mall before, we have had strollers and had to use the elevator. She squeezed my hand sooo tight and it took several mins it seemed to actually get on the thing. I finally just had to take the step and drag her Poor kid. I have to admit, those things scare me a bit, too! From the escalator, we could see the easter bunny, but she was unable to actually see, bc, well, she was clenched to me, hanging on for dear life! LOL. But, after we went to the bathroom and came back down, i took her around so she could see him. He waved to her. I need to get their pictures taken with him. It's 13.00 and up to do it at the mall and usually walmart has the holiday guests of honor for free.....yes, they had santa and took pics that were free! Much better price! BUt i couldn't help the guilt that came with not being able to take her to see the bunny tonight, up close. she talked about him the whole way home, just about. She also wanted a slushy while there and to play in the play area, bc dumb me, parked right outside the darn play area...i usually park at sears i know I did get her a slushy. She was happy with that. I told her that maybe the day before her bday i would take here back there, get her a slushy and pretzel and let her play in the play area!

Anyway, i am off here for now...

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

We were just notified by email last week that Amanda's fafsa was processed. Then they send that information to the school(s) you chose. Calling the school to see what the next step is might save you a trip. Unless you are looking for a reason to go off alone, then by all means, go over there. :)

I'm not a big fan of the mall either. Even if I have money with me. There just aren't a lot of stores I like to shop at there. And I always dreaded the play area! Our mall stuck it way off to the side and we never used to go down there. And now Zachary is too tall for it. It's just a huge germ fest there.