Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekend Wind Down

Well, we had a gorgeous day, weather wise. The kids spent most of the day outside. We cooked out on the grill, I did some was a great day overall. Probably one of the better I have had in a long time. Of course, the evening seems to be punctuated with the kids fighting. They are both very tired but heaven forbid they should just give in and call it a night.

I'm supposed to go with my sister tomorrow to register for her bridal shower/wedding and then we are going to go to mom's and work on getting the shower invites filled out, addressed and ready to mail. I was hoping to have a sitter for the day, but it doesn't seem likely that it will work out that way. Aunt Michelle's household has the flu and then my cousin Shannon is going for Lasik eye surgery in the Aunt Kathy won't want kids to chase after when Shannon isn't feeling up to helping out. So, mom said she will babysit, rather than go with us girls. I am kinda bummed about that, but it will be nice for just sis and i to get out i suppose. And then when we get back to mom's we will just have to contend with kids while doing the invites. Good thing the weather will be decent and there are lots of things to do at gmas! LOL.

I've done very well with keeping the housework up! It feels good to know that I won't have to tackle a huge chore before Makenneh's teachers come for their home visit this friday.

And about the Habitat for Humanity meeting..i thought i had posted about the meeting, but i noticed Julie asked how it went when she replied to my last post. So, maybe i didn't..and i am too lazy to go back and forgive me if i am reitterating. I think it was a huge waste of our time. I say that because they are only building in Flint for the next 2 yrs. They already have the building sites picked through 2008. So, i don't want to live flint, for reasons i had mentioned before....high crime, poor schools, just overall bad areas. Not my cup of tea. I am far from a snob, but when your kids can't safely play out in their yards, it's not the place for me to put down roots. Other than that, we meet all of the it's just too bad that they don't want to build in more rural areas. I guess their whole idea is to build in areas that by their building, will create a great impact on the community. Well, that's all fine and good, but just not practical for my family. I still think the program is great and offers great opportunity. We could put down that we will only live in certain areas...but then you can be stuck waiting for a home for years to come. Well, i do not want to sit in my current condition/place of dwelling, waiting for a habitat home. We need to find a bigger place and sooner is by far better. So, it looks like we will have to seek alternate options. There is a house for sale down the road from my parents. It was foreclosed on and will go for about 50k. It is a 4 bed, 2 bath with a lil over 2 acres. The previous owners had also put on a huge addition. But the only way we could get it would be to have his dad co-sign or something of that nature. I just don't know. All i do know is this place is way too small for us and we need something else soon.

Anyway, Sebastian takes advantage any chance he gets and gets into stuff, so gotta run. I have already told them that as soon as this movie is over, they are bed bound. He is ready to drop as it is, but won't sit still, bc he knows if he does, he will fall out. Grrrr!


Julie Q said...

I NEVER dreamed we'd live here for 10 years. And now, we on our 11th year. I'd put my name in, just in case. You can always give them good news that you found a home already if they ever call after you do find a home. Time can just go by so fast sometimes. Good luck with whatever you find. I hope you find something soon, one way or another. And I don't think having someone cosign is a bad thing. You are the one whose name it is truly in and you are the one making the payments.

It was beautiful outside today! Tuesday is looking to be above 60* now! Yes, the bottom will fall out a day or two later, but oh well. We do live in Michigan and it is a beautiful state. :) I don't think I'd like living in any other state as much as I enjoy this one. :)

Julie Q said...

Oh and congratulations on your nephew! :) I'm trying to catch up! :)

LosingSanity said...

WE still turned our application into Habitat. We figure we will see where it takes us.

I can't believe they are saying 60ish for Tuesday! Woohoo. And i agree, i don't think I would be happy living anywhere else..we really do have the best of everything (weather wise, scenery wise...forget economy and