Sunday, March 25, 2007

This and That

Well, it's sunday night...weekend's over! I must say that for the most part, it was a nice weekend. We had a lot of family time and really just took things slow and easy.

I think this weekend was just what we needed as a least it was for me. I was beginning to feel very irritated with him and just blah! But, he was great this weekend and i was reminded why i love him! He helped a lot with the kids all weekend and then today, while I went to a bridal shower, he cleaned the house! Well, he left the kitchen for me, but i can't complain. Because he dind't just pick up and vacuum, but he dusted, he cleaned out all my junk piles (I am afraid of what he may have thrown away, but if i never know, im likely not to miss it), he cleaned off the top of the refridgerator, which tends to be a catch all for things to keep out reach of kids, he organized some of the cupboards, cleaned the glass on the entertainment center...i mean he cleaned! I was soo happy to come home to a clean house AND they were sitting at the table eating dinner! How freakin lovely is that?!

The rest of the evening, we watched a couple movies and the kids played with the balloons I brought them home from the shower.

My father in law called tonight to see what he should get the kids. He called my phone, but Jeremy answered. I think he has decided to get the kids a tv/dvd combo for their bday. Sadly, we just bought them a 13 in tv with our income taxes, but when we had all those kids over the one weekend, the remote came up missing and without the remote, there is no way to put the tv on "game" which is the mode it needs to be on to play dvds/vhs. So, until and unless we find the remote, the tv is only good for tv. He tried a universal remote,but it won't put it on the "game" setting. I suppose we could order a new remote specifically for that tv, but that takes money that we don't have right now. We will probably put that tv in our bedroom.

I'm glad that he is going to do something like that, rather than buy them more big toys that take up tons of space. I really appreciate the gifts he gets, as they are nice gifts and all, we just don't have that kind of room in this tiny place. Not to mention, the kids never seem to keep interest in those big, fancy, expensive gifts. Of course, if we had a play room or somewhere for them to actually play with them, they may get more use out of them. But for the most part, they have to stay tucked in closets or something so they are out of the way. SOMEDAY we will have a 3 bdrm home!

UGH...and I almost forgot....I took the kids to my mom and dad's saturday, while Jeremy went to his brothers. Well, my dad's niece (who is actually the same age as him and my mom) lives next door. She or her youngest daughter always has the grandkids. Saturday was no different. Alyssa, the 14/15 yr old had her niece and nephew. Kurstyn is almost 4 (2 wks younger than Makenneh) and Kollin is 2.5. Well, they came over to my moms to play with my kids and I notice that Kurstyn is digging at her head. My stomach literally knotted! It was awful! You all know exactly what i was thinking! I told my mom, quietly that Kurstyn was digging her head. She said she noticed that too. Well, it's an iffy situation, bc you don't want to offend ppl and not to mention, Alyssa, the teen, was babysitting and not like she could do anything about it. I put makenneh's hair in a pony tail and drenched it with hair spray. I figured it couldn't hurt to at least try to keep the potential bugs away. So, anyway, Sebastian needed a nap and i layed down with him on the couch and we both fell asleep. I woke up about an hour later and the kids and my mom were all outside on the porch. My mom looked up and mouthed to me, "she's loaded!" I flipped out! I rounded the kids up and we headed home,with the intent of treating as soon as we got home. I was on the verge of tears. They were stinging my eyes! Then, on the way home, I am headed for the expressway and see a bunch of lights up ahead. I get closer and the road is blocked...a bad accident. I first called my mom to let her know that i was ok, bc i didn't want her to hear about it and freak out. As i was talking to her, i pulled into a driveway so i could turn around. AS i did, i saw something i never want to see again....a body laying on the pavement, covered partially with a bright orange blanket or something. i lost it. I was already emotional from the lice ordeal, but then this just topped my emotional limits! I started crying. I let mom go and go back to detour around the accident. When i get to the other side of this accident, the ambulance goes tearing through headed for the hospital. I don' t know any details of that accident, but i know it had to be horrible! They had to block off 2 mile stretch of that road. I couldn't help but think that IF makenneh hadn't put up a minor little fight about leaving (she kept asking to stay longer and stalling), that we could very well have been involved in that fatal accident! It made me so sick to my stomach. Not to mention,i felt so horrible for the people involved and thier families. I know at least one family was getting notified that thier loved one perished in an accident! =(

And then, i had to go pick jeremy up from his brothers and we came home, i immediately treated makenneh's head and picked through it. i found nothing, but will continue to check her head for a few days just to be safe. My mom told the gma (dad's niece) when she got home from work and she said she would have to treat her. But my concern is...are they going to check/treat anyone else? Are they going to do the rigorous nit picking required to keep them gone? Treat the environment? So, for precaution, we aren't going to let my kids around them for some time. Unfortunately, this girl has been noted as digging her head many a times in the past 7 months or i have a feeling it will be an ongoing problem and is most likely the source of our last infestation. It makes it hard, bc they are family and they are now my parents' neighbor. Not to mention, my mom's brother is dating my dad's niece. Geesh, that sounds kinda awful...please note, those two are not related in any anyway, the bottom line is, i cannot afford to go through that lice ordeal again and will take whatever precautionary measures needed to prevent another round with those pesky things. Even if it means keeping the kids apart.

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that makenneh stays in the clear because mentally and financially, i cannot battle lice again. Not right now! I will lose it!

Well, Im off here for now!~


Anonymous said...

Man, Christina, I really hope that the lice stays away. We got notified that lice was going around the kids school and I keep checking Michael and Adrianna and so far they have been lucky. I NEVER let Adrianna go to school with her hair down. It terrifies me to think about going through her beautiful LONG hair because of lice! Sounds like you had a nice weekend besides that!

Julie Q said...

What a weekend you had! I'm glad that Saturday was such a nice day. I love to come home and find someone helped me, even if it's in a small way. But to me, that's huge! :)

That poor child. I hope someone helps Kurstyn. What about a call to the health department? Maybe they would contact them? Or if she goes to school? Contact her school? Then it wouldn't be like a family insult? That is so heartbreaking. I am glad you thought to put Makenneh's hair in a pony tail and hairspray it.

Isn't it scary sometimes to think that could of been us? I too have come upon accidents that I might have been in too. If I had left a few minutes sooner. If the kids had gotten ready faster, etc. I'm glad she was acting like her normal self and slowed you down a bit. I am sorry you came upon the accident though. It sounds awful.