Friday, March 30, 2007

What a high

Today was just one of those days. I swear, i am bipolar or at very least have bipolar tendancies. Today i was on top of the world. I even went so far as to let Makenneh have her friend over for the! They played so well! And they weren't ready to call it quits even at 830pm. I had taken Ariel home, but Makenneh wanted to stay there and play! I finally got her in the car, crying the whole way. I went to Walmart and got some of the things I will need for the bday party on Sunday. Yes, my baby is turning 2 tomorrow! I have no more babies, now! As much as I have struggled with motherhood, I am sad just knowing that this is it! I guess i have to suck it up and just enjoy the nieces and nephews as they arrive! And besides, then i can love em and squeeze em and send em home. I don't have to get up all night with them, fret over the big picture and worry if my issues are damaging them for life. Sounds a bit more fun!

ON that same note, Makenneh was such a pleasure today. I just wanted to squeeze her all day long! she is growing up so fast. I totally enjoyed her today!

And back to my little guy! 2!!!! Where has the time gone?! Wasn't I just cradling him in my arms yesterday?! Ok,maybe the high is crashing down. The realization that my baby will be 2 when i wake up in the morning is bringing tears to my eyes. I was so adament about permanant birth, as I realize that there will be no more babies...ever, I feel a bit empty. Can I just go back and savor those times? Ok, gotta stop thinking about all of it! I will be a blubbering fool in about 2.3 seconds.

Soooo, I found out today that i can buy a curious george birthday cake kit from Walmart. It will have all the little figurines they use to make their cakes. It is only $5. That is a great solution. I was wanting to make his cake, bc i came across some great cake making tips on BZ yesterday and also a really yummy (albiet fattening) recipe for buttercream frosting. So, i wanted to try it out. But, i also wanted to have curious george and let's face it, my creativity sucks when it comes to bday cakes. i don't think i have the patience to get all fancy and creative. So, this way, i can make a regular cake, with delicious frosting and still have curious george. I think im going to ask my friend if she will help me (she is good at doing cakes and has all the pans, tips, etc) so that it will turn out nice!

Tomorrow, I will go buy the kit and get his bday gift (don't know what it will be just yet). I did pick up a cute curious george one piece outfit tonight at walmart. But that was only 5.44. I really don't want to get toys. THey have so many now and never play with them. It just seems like a complete waste. Yet, i feel guilty if i just get him clothes(which he desperately needs) and things like that. What fun is that? So, i think i will get him mostly clothes and maybe a cool book. They have books that look like lots of that way, it's not a toy to get tossed in the toy box and will be a book to read and enjoy and learn from! I love books. It makes it hard, too, that a week after his bday is Easter. I have to save things for the Easter bunny to get him too!

My cousin, Kenny, turns 16 tomorrow, too. His dad is having a small cookout/get together for him tomorrow evening. Then, saturday, his sister is throwing a surprise bday party for him and then Sunday is Sebastian's bday party. What a crazy weekend! No room for rest there!

Well my feet and legs are aching (Helen, did you send your restless leg syndrome my way?). I should be soaking my feet in the foot spa I got for Christmas and have only used once! IT would feel sooo good. But it involves, getting the thing out, filling it, plugging it in, soaking, emptying it, putting it away and well, it's after midnight. And if i get that thing out when kids are awake, they think it's a mini indoor pool or something! Explains why i haven't used it but once! LOL. My diva of a daughter thinks she has to soak her feet, too and my get-into-everything son thinks he has to splash and play in the water!

And that's it from me tonight! I need to at least go to bed, if im not going to soak my poor aching feet!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Be sure and take pictures of the cake and share! :) I made Zachary a Curious George cake too. He loves that little monkey!

I hear you on the toy issue! They add up so fast. We never gave our kids too much for their birthdays when they were little. They didn't know the difference anyway.

I think books are an excellent gift! Color Wonder items are good too. I don't know how artistic your little guy is though. :) Or if his big sister would want them. ;) I also love play dough. While it makes a mess it is excellent for their hands to get excersise with. It's fairly cheap too. He could play with it outside? :) He he, can you tell I'm trying to sell it to you!