Monday, March 12, 2007

Where or where?

To have Carrie's bridal shower. We have just had a hell of a time getting things figured out. Normally, we have no problem planning parties. But, the problem we are having here, is trying to juggle dates with all the weddings, bridal and baby showers, open houses, etc in our family. My sis is getting married in July, my brother is expecting his first born child in Aug plus we have 2 cousins getting in may, one in sept. So, yeah, it's getting tricky. June is out for a bridal shower bc that's when everyone has graduation open houses, May is filled with wedding, Memorial weekendclutter (the 5th is an option, but the baby shower is set for april 28th..1 week prior). April 28th is baby shower, the first weekend is easter and that lives the two middle weeekends. The 21st is gma's bday and the 14th is Makenneh's. I told Carrie i have no problem having her shower on the 14th, bc it doesn't have to take up the whole day and we work around big deal. We have the fellowship hall at my uncle's church reserved for May 5, but we don't like how that is exactly 1 week after the baby shower. The exact same women will be invited to both where our family is that is just a lot. We also want each to have their own little moment to shine and having them that close is going to overshadow each other's events. So we decided on April 14th. The problem? The fellowship hall isn't available! Can't win for losing here! So, we have to try to find a place to have the shower or do them back to back (i really really don't want to do this). We need a place to hold about 75 ppl, indoors (bc weather is unpredictable here in the state of MI) and it needs to be inexpensive bc as you can see, we have a lot of money to be shelling out left and right. In the morning, I am going to call everywhere imaginable to see if we can get a place. I have emailed a couple friends to see if they know of anywhere to have it...WE have to get this set and get invites done. Time is ticking, louder and louder, it seems. None of live in a community with a club house, nor do we know anyone offhand. (We do know one person, we will be calling them tomorrow to find out how much, if htey are willing to do it, etc). We are all back-sliders and don't belong to a church and nobody has a home big enough. Who does when you need this much room, lol? I have a list of 8 places to call on in the morning. Please pray that one of them works out.

Yeah, so im not going with sis to register, because I can't get a sitter. Mom said she would, but my dad works nights and will be sleeping in the am and I don't want her to have to fight to keep 2 kids under the age of 5 quiet enough to let him sleep. So, i made calls and arranged for mom to go with sis and i will just meet them at mom's when they are done. This gives me time to get these calls made and we don't have to worry about a sitter. And as it turns out, sis might want to check a couple of places out to register and I really hate shopping. I know, im not much fun. I would have gone if i had a babysitter, but im not disappointed on missing the run here, run there experience. Im all about hitting walmart and calling it One stop shop kinda girl here. Not to mention i don't have to get kids up early and rush around to be to my sister's by 9am.

In 3 short weeks,my baby is going to be 2! I can't believe it! I guess that means i need to get some invites and paper products...we aren't doing anything big and fancy this year for either of them...just cake and ice cream probably at my parents' and just close family. Of course, Makenneh said she wants to have her bday party at Aunt Carrie's bc then they can ride the horsies. She has been wanting to go ride them since yesterday. She actually started out by getting the idea in her head that she wanted one. She said she would call Uncle Ralfie to ask him if she could have one of his. So, i had to call my sister to tell her that. and makenneh had to get on the phone to When asked where she would put him, she said, right next to the trailer. great..the horse would love to graze in our 8X60 lot of grass. 1/3 of which is covered by cement. LOL. We told her the owner wouldn't like it. She said she would just ask her. Hahaha. Kids have such easy answers. WE compromised with her going over and riding the horses at Aunt Carrie and Uncle Ralfies. And then the hounding began. she wanted to go over last night. Then, she woke up in the wee hours of the morning and climbed into bed with me,b ut not without asking if we could go ride the horsies. I told her it was the middle of the night and she needed to go back to bed. But forget she didn't...bc it was the first thing she asked about this morning! Aunt Carrie said we could do her bday party we will see.

Well, this time change has me all messed up,bc i am not so tired, but realized that it is 1am. Wish me luck on my phone calls in the morning..may something come through!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Good luck finding a place for the shower! We have a club house here and it is actually quite nice. We've just never had a need for it.

Makenneh is drivin, that is for sure. Perhaps that will help her in life. :)

We've never done anything big and fancy for the kid's birthdays. They are OK with that now. :) As long as you celebrate the day in some way, it's good.