Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring must have sprung...

The weather has been great the last few days. It is supposed to hit low 50s this week. The sun is shining and life is beautiful! Jeremy thinks we need to cook out on the grill today. LOL. There is still some patches of snow on the ground, but hey never too early to enjoy the scrumptious taste of grilled food, eh?

The daylight savings time went smoothly for me. I was dreading my hour loss of sleep, but really didn't notice it. Woohoo! And Im walking on sunshine...of course, there are underlying reasons for all my bliss, but they are quite XXX rated and probably shouldn't be And add to it that the children are being absolutely divine..and what more could i possibly ask for? My cup surely runneth over today!

Happy Birthday to Sophie! I hope she is having an absolutely marvelous day!

and that's all i have for now...I will go read my book and relax!


Julie Q said...

It us beautiful out! Enjoy! I wanted to have grilled food, but ah well, the next warm weekend, whenever that is!

How did the meeting go??? I hope you heard some good news.

The other me said...

It's beautiful here too, still quite cool but beautiful! Sophie has been quiet today after celebrating last night! Thankyou.