Thursday, March 08, 2007

Matt & Sara just called...they are having a....

BOY! The tech said without a doubt, it's a boy! How cool is that? So, looks like his friend is going to have to find a different boy name, huh? I was really hoping they would have a boy so they could use their name. Of course, if i were them, I would name him Matthew (My brother's name), bc i absolutely love that name. It is one of the only boy names I really really like! But, lucky for him, i don't get to!

Anyway, just had to write to share that news! I am sooo excited! My first blood nephew! I have Christopher, Carrie's step-son,but he didn't come into the family until he was about 12, and then we didnt' see him again til he was about 15, when his dad got full custody of him. He is still my nephew but there isn't that familial bond, grown over a lifetime...kwim?

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