Monday, March 19, 2007

A Case of the Blahs ~~Updated with Pics~~

This is how Sebastian fell asleep tonight...with his arm around the cat! How cute is that? The cat slept with him for quite awhile before getting up. And geesh, look the legs on that poor boy..he looks like a poster child for abuse...i promise they are from his climbing, running, jumping activities...the kid is a busy body!

This is a picture i tried to take from the other night. I was sitting here and looked over and the cat was swatting at the fish tank. He wanted to go fishing. It was so hard to get a good pic bc it is dark in here (not enough lighting with all the lights on) and my camera sucks! But, this is the best one i could get..where you could actually see the cat. But at points, he was right up, swatting at the fishies!
And now, my original post.........
I haven't been posting as much, bc i just feel blah. I think i am coming down with something. I am very tired and today my body started aching fiercely. I took a two hour nap today and only woke up bc I had to get Makenneh from school. Otherwise, I'd probably still be sleeping. LOL.

I spent the weekend at my mom's working on wedding stuff. Saturday it was just my mom, sister and I. We mostly got organized for Sunday, when 2 of the bridesmaids were coming over to help with stuff. So, sunday, we spent cuting and tying. We made the cowbell party favors. It was fun, yet tedious. Each tag had to be cut out, hole punched, then tied to the mini cowbell with a small strip of gingham fabric. They are beautiful though. Ah and I must mention that Sat mom and I tea stained all the paper we used for the tags.

Today, we woke up to snow on the ground. Not a lot, but enough to cover the ground. It was good packy snow too. Mom called and said i should bring kids over to make a snowman, bc most of the snow we had this year was just powdery and they never got to make one. Well, i got us ready to go, got there and the snow was already melting some. So, they made a mini snowman on the back porch. He was sooo cute. But he melted by the time we left. So did all the other if it never had snowed to begin with. And ironically, it warmed up the later it got. Earlier today it was quite chilly....but by this evening,it was beautiful out. So maybe that means a nice day tomorrow?! I hope so. I think it will help me get out of this funk. I have let the housework go and everything is going to be snowballing around here. And i was doing so good on keeping everything up. But, im just so tired and blah lately...just going through the motions. Heck, been tired enough that i haven't had the energy to even blog. Ya know that's bad!

Other than that, not much to say. Tomorrow night, my mother in law is picking makenneh up from school and keeping her overnight. It will be nice. I think i might see if someone wants to keep seb overnight so i can have a night to myself. It will be nice if it works out that way, however, i shan't hold my breath! Being a work/school night makes it trickier. But, hopefully mom will keep him.

OK, im out for now..have one down(kenneh) and one to go (seb). But Curious George is playing and hopefully he falls out soon!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Very cute with the cat! I know our cat would never allow that. It is funny actually. She thinks she is a Queen or something.

Our cat, when we lived in our apartment with a patio door, would sit there and try to pounce birds that were outside! It is so funny to watch them sometimes.

Sorry to hear you have been down! Spring is on it's way! It is supposed to be 65* on Thursday!

The snow was snowman snow. So pretty. We didn't get out to play in it though. Not knowing what was wrong with Zachary. Then when we came home, it had melted.