Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Just put me to bed, please

I am fit to be tied. I am irritable and just grumpy. Of course, Sebastian didn't take a nap today, fell asleep on way home from my mom's and woke up as soon as i tried to put him in bed. He has been into everything tonight, notably, the cat litter box. I have gotten after him a million times for and i can't really put it in the bathroom, bc well, i have to keep that closed or else he puts all my tp in the toilet...I have it blocked off and hidden best i can, but he seems to be able to sniff it out. I banished them to their bedrooms, bc they need to go to bed anyway and i go check on them and he has one of the dresser drawers open nad climbing in it...if that isn't an accident waiting to happen. This kid just doesn't stop.

It doesn't help that im irritated with Jeremy..he just takes his ass to bed whenever he is tired. No thought nor concern to what is going on out here...not a fucking care in the world. Please excuse the language...Helen, i know your eyes are bleeding. But i am mad!!! Yes, i had a break last night and part of today...but i spent that part cutting out maps for showers and then helping my matt and sara get the last of their stuff out of their trailer as they are selling it back to the park tomorrow. So, i had a busy day...and a tiring day. I am beyond ready for it to be over.

I am going to go now before this turns into a major bitch fest..i feel it about to blow....


The other me said...

Wouldn't you love that ability to feel tired and be able to go to bed without even noticing anything needs doing??? Oh to be a man ( which really, I would hate to be, those poor brain cells feeling all lonely and unused!!)

Julie Q said...

Have you tried a bedtime routine Christina? I mean really tried it? Some nights I am so tired, but going through each steps gets closer and closer to sleep time for me.

As great as Ken is to me, I've always been the one to put the kids to bed. The only time he ever did it, was when I worked nights.

I'd love to pass out whenever I want to. I tried to take a short nap on the couch the other night. Just like 10 minutes even. I just wanted to shut my eyes and relax for a few minutes. But that old boy, the 15 year old, Ugh!

I hope they went to sleep soon and you got some rest.