Thursday, March 01, 2007

Whacky Weather

Our day started out snowing huge snowflakes...then it turned to rain...then like a freezing rain/snow mix...and we had thunderstorms today. Woohoo! I love them.

My aunt michelle was in an accident today on the expressway. She totalled their 4wheel drive, dualy. club cab (or whatever gm called thier 4 doors) truck....hit the median on the expressway after hitting some of that nasty slush and losing control. She is fine...she went into her family doc to get checked out.

did you hear about that tornado that hit Alabama and struck a high school? Well my cousin sarah has a cousin on her mom's side who goes to that high school and they haven't been able to get ahold of they are very worried. Please pray that Cammy is ok! Cammy was adopted out at birth bc my aunt's sister was just barely 16 and knew she couldn't give Cammy the kind of life she the family was all just recently reunited (well, about a year ago). I would hate to think that anything bad has happened to her.

Well, march is supposed to come in like a lion and out like a's definitely roaring!!! Hopefully this will mean that spring is right around the corner! I have had my fill of snow, although i must be fair and say we have had a rather mild winter this year!

And, now the countdown to the bunny hopping in. Makenneh is already asking for a tinker bell purse and rings. She had seen these 2 things at the store the other day and wanted them. Well, i told her she would have to wait to see if the Easter Bunny would bring them. She had to call him as soon as we got back to gmas that day. So, i called my brother and was like, "um, Makenneh wants to talk to the easter bunny, ahem." He was like, "uh, the easter bunny?" I said yeah, can you talk to her right now? Lol. He chuckled...he had finally gotten what i was trying to do. So, he played along and she was happy! So, ihave to be sure the bunny follows through...they weren't htat was at Family dollar. The purse is actually a small tote type bag that was like 3.75 and the rings were a set of Dora rings for like 2.00. I'm sure the bunny can pull that off. I did decide though that holidays that included presents were going to be smaller...they don't care of their things and its a waste of money. So, she will get those two outfit or some type of clothing, a pack of socks and that will just about do it. And I think fruit is going to supercede the candy. I have been changing the eating around here, as it is out of control. And when i go get groceries on Saturday, im getting healthier things. It's hard to eat healthy bc it costs so much more and well, we just can't afford it. But, im going to try. even if it means living on Tuna fish and salad. Of course, Makenneh and Jeremy don't like Tuna fish...pshhht! I also got this neat pamphlet from WIC about portion sizes for younger kids. So, i have drastically cut back the amount of food she is allowed to eat. I have also cut out 2nds for us! She got stuck with my metabolism and it's gonna suck. But if i can teach her better habits, then she will benefit in the long run. I have had bad habits for 26yrs now that i have to undo. It is going to be hard. I am already kicking and screaming about giving up my pop! I may stop buying hte 2 liters and just allow a 20oz a day and cut back from there. I am also going to hound Jeremy to do whatever it is he needs to do to enable us to hook our vcr back up. We have too many electronics and need a certain plug thing to accomodate them all...or something to that affect. I have no idea about that stuff. But, i want to be able to do my exercize tape again. And she can do it with me, as it's a walking one and it would be easy for her to follow.

I got to take a long shower tonight. That is a miracle. I was able to take my time and savor the hot water running down me. mmmm it felt sooo nice! I even got to shave! Yep! Miracle! Thank goodness my hair grows in blonde and soft on my legs..and slow too! Bc i never get to shave!

Well, it is past my bedtime,so i am gonna finish my rounds and take myself to sleep. of course, not sure where i will sleep tonight, as sebastian went out early, around 630,woke up about an hour later and i put him in our bed...laid down with him to get him back to sleep..then jeremy had me move him so he could go to bed and he woke up a lil later...i put him back in with Sooo imay sleep in their room tonight!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Somewhere here, is an old Barbie exercise tape. I could send it to you if you want it for Makenneh. I'm pretty sure it would still work, I could try it before sending it.

You could try to get a TV from free cycle? Even a small one. For if your VCR is unhooked now, it will probably be unhooked again.

Yay for the long shower. I love a long shower. I rarely get one.

Yes, just (sarcastically) loving our Michigan weather lately!