Monday, June 05, 2006

What a Day

Well, first i have to say, My brother stopped by and i was laying on the couch with Kenneh. I glanced up and there was that huge spider..on my ceiling. My brother killed it for me. So that creepy critter is out of here! Thank God for Brothers! LOL.

Now, back to the start of my day! The kids were wound up today and just whiney and crazy! I was out of my mind by 10am. But, before noon, I managed to accomplish quite a bit. I got rid of the thunderbird for $125..had his friend come pick it up...canceled my doc appt bc i really didn't feel like rounding up a ride to go, got a call to go for an interview tomorrow! That's the big thing right there! I go tomorrow for a job interview at Kroger! The only opening they have right now is for a courtesy know, bagging groceries, chasing carts, bottle returns, etc. But, it gets my foot in the door and I tell ya..i will have the very next cashier position that opens! LOL. ok, not for sure, but i am very good at cashier and I know i can blow the socks off those slow workers they have in there now! I don't have any axiety about this interview or starting a new job...bc I know I am good at customer service and I also know that I can be more efficient than most of the cashiers they have in there now. hehehe!

Of course, this means I have to figure out something for a vehicle and a babysitter, depending on hours. But, we will work it out. I need a job, i need out of here for a few hours a day and the extra money will be a big help.

So, i may not be going to TN afterall..depending on the job situation. Funny how life works sometimes.

WEll, i am exhausted, so i am gonna get off here for now and try to kick back and sure ill be posting more tonight.


Julie Q said...

I am soooo glad you got rid of the spider! I found one today, not as big, and thought of you. :) I killed the one here! YUCK! But it's dead and gone. Phew! I hate spiders and snakes.

Well, take care! Good luck with job interview! I worked when my older three were little. It was my sanity. I love them, but work was the only break I ever got from them.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.