Friday, December 15, 2006


and both kids are still up. Seb was sleeping, but Makenneh was being a huge brat and woke him up with her whining and crying and carrying on. I just put him back in his crib and he is screaming for dear life. The neighbors probably think i beat the kid, the way he screams. It is pathetic.

I am supposed to be to work at 1030am...haven''t been to bed yet! I have a severe migraine (hmmm, stress induced, i wonder?) that makes me want to drill a hole in my head to alleviate the pain and pressure.

On a good note, I picked up my check today and did some Christmas shopping. I am feeling better about that, bc now, even if we had to call this good enough, the kids would still have a decent Christmas. Whew! Of course, there are still many things i want to get them, but we will see how the money situation goes.

I cleaned the living room this evening and it actually looks quite nice in here for the moment. Of course, as i type, Makenneh is setting up "tents" with her table and chair set and making a mess. And as soon as Seb's feet hit the floor after being woke up, he tore the skirt out from under the tree. For some reason, he doesn't want to leave the tree skirt alone. I give! The top of my entertainment center is dusted, uncluttered, with my centerpieces put back where they belong. It actually looks nice! How long it lasts is another thing. I should take pictures and hang them nearby to show visitors what it should look like.

Makenneh has been so defiant Grandpa had to get after her today. The kids stayed at my parents' house while i got my check and did some santa shopping. Well, i got back to find out that papa had to get firm with her and set her on the couch for mouthing off to my mom! After I got home, she got a swat for being mouthy and unruly. I truly am at my wits end. She is so damn defiant! God please hear my pleas! Let her be an easy teenager..let her hit teens and be calm and polite and respectful. I won't survive if she is worse than she is now! I know i won't.

My computer seems to have a mind of its own lately. It is slow as snails and lagging like crazy. It does some crazy stuff. I really hope it isn't a virus. There are enough viruses in this household, thank you very much.

Well, im off here to try to catch a few winks...btwn kids and this headache, don't know how successful i will be. It does sound as if Seb has finally met the sandman though! Now hopefully he stays asleep. Makenneh sounds like she is preparing for winter or should hear it...sounds like she is constantly rearranging things to get them just so. I think she is just overly tired and beside herself. Oh, wait, silence....could she, she couldn't be laying down to sleep now, could she? Well, whatdya know...she is. All covered up! Whew! I may be able to get those few winks after all!


The other me said...

It does end...takes years but suddenly they are all big and won't get OUT the darn bed!! Sophie is a dream now, of course she is nearly 18....don't lose hope!

Julie Q said...

I was lucky with my girls. Maybe I was a bit more strict back then too though. ;) I hope she does grow out of it, it does make for a long long day, not to mention long long nights. Ugh! That must have been so hard to get up for work today.

I'm glad you got some shopping done. I have one more thing to get Eddie and I'm pretty much finished. I might need a little more candy. ;) OK, for me not them!

I hope you were able to get some sleep.