Monday, December 25, 2006

A very Merry Christmas

Well, all the stress, tears and blues of the past few days has paid off. I woke up to my little girl saying, "Mommma, there's presents under the tree....get up, momma!" It's the first year that she has woke me up on Christmas morning. And the morning was full of "oooh my goossshhh!" and squeals and just pure happiness! Makenneh loves her Diego Rescue Center! She noticed it right away, despite it being in the back!

Sebastian was more interested in the candy than his toys...he ate quite a bit this morning...candy, that is. He giggled from the bottom of his belly though, opening up the Check-up Elmo! IT was sooo cute!

I am definitely feeling better about Christmas! Despite the fact that there is NO SNOW whatsoever! It's the first time, in my memory, that we have had no snow on Christmas morning! I really don't miss it one little tiny, teeny bit! I think it's rather splendid to be able to step outside in my socks, if i really want to...without a coat..bc it's still like 45 degrees or so!

I will post pictures later! Gotta get ready to go to moms!


The other me said...

I am so glad it went well and I am also glad it is over !! This year seems to have taken forever to prepare for and it's ddone in minutes! Next year I am going to delegate some of the work to H...I got mad at his doing nothing and sharing in the limelight! I think though that he feels I know how I want it and he keeps out the way!
Glad the magic was there for after all the work!

Julie Q said...

I've been married for 20 years now. My hubby has just been helping with the Santa/Easter Bunny thing the past few years. Partly because his Mom never did it, so he had no clue.

He still leaves all the shopping, baking and wrapping to me as well.

I'm glad the kids had a great Christmas morning. :)