Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Vacation, Please!

I have dealt with my fair share of illness in this household for awhile, but it doesn't seem that it matters, as Makenneh is saying she doesn't feel good again...she is rosy cheeked and tired. I'm afraid that her dinner is going to find it's way out soon! And then we have this issue with her thinking I have to do everything for her. She acts just short of an invalid most of the time. It is getting to me. I know she can wipe her own bottom, pour her own drinks, dress herself, put her own coat on, yet she is always wanting me to do it. she won't even go to the bathroom without me. I don't know what she does at school when im not there....oh wait, yes i do..she does it herself! What a concept. I am out of patience. They have gotten up and left.

Jeremy stayed home from work today, sick as all get out. He has managed to get about 8 hours or more on the xbox in today. That has me a wee irritated as well. Then, for the very brief time that he was not playing video games, meaning i could use the internet, he wanted me to sit and watch a movie with him...oh joy! Fast and furious,, tokyo drift. You gotta know i just love that movie enough to watch it a million times.

I have two sinks heaped with dirty dishes from the mess they all made cooking big ol meals on sunday while i was in bed sick. I haven't tackled them yet bc my period this month is killing me. I have no energy and cramps that are about as bad as labor contractions. I prefer to spend my time curled in a fetal position on the couch. But, being a woman and all, that isn't allowed. There are kids to chase, messes to clean, laundry to wash and so on.

Yes, i have run out of not want to haul two kids to sit hours on end at the doctor's office to get a refill, and just got a paper in mail today that my insurance is canceled, which means, i will not have the pills until that gets straightened around.

I am sure that if one more thing goes wrong, im going to go over the deep end. I guess i should stop complaining now and go lock myself in my bedroom...i shall take my alarm clock radio in there with me that i just got as a gift and turn it up as loud as possible to drown out the whining and crying and fighting and carrying on that is going on out here!


Julie Q said...

((((((Big Hugs)))))) from a distance Christine. So sorry to hear you are all not well yet. :(

I hope you get the insurance straightened up quickly. Is it by chance one of the companies offering to help to get medicine free or at no cost? You should call them and see. It can't hurt sweetie.

Take care. I hope Makenneh is just tired tonight.

The other me said...

Oh NOOOOOOOOO! Why can't Jeremy pick up your refill? I wish you could get it before they run out and now the insurance is cancelled? Hell and happy christmas, I wish i lived near by and we could leave the dishes ( and my stack of wet laundry) behind and get us some happy christmas vibes!

Anonymous said...

Christina, in a pinch you could try St. John's Wart, an herbal O.C.T. that i've used for years. It will take about a week to really see a difference. Look for the words "standardized" on the label and follow pkg recommendations. Hope all gets better sooner.
Love you,
Aunt Bev

Anonymous said...

Christina, haven't been able to get on in awhile so I have alot to catch up on but I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and I hope that everyone gets well and someone can help you out with things!