Monday, December 11, 2006

Oh My

The bug didn't stop with Makenneh. Seb ended up throwing up Sat night and then had diarhea all day did Makenneh. I ended up buying pull ups for Makenneh bc she just couldn't always make it to the bathroom in time and dirtied all of her undies in a matter of less than 24 hours. She keeps reminded us that she is a big girl. Hoepfully the pull ups don't set her back on the potty training.

I ended up sick as heck yesterday too. I slept most of the day, on and off. I still feel it today. Of course, to top this flu bug off, i started my period and have all that yucky feeling too. Just can't win, i suppose. Poor lil Makenneh fell asleep yesterday around 330pm and slept until 630am. i had to keep checking on her. I was worried about her. And then Sebastian just stayed right at my side all day. He didn't want me out of his sight...hell, he didn't want me out of his reach. He is still being that way today. Although, today he has already ventured so far as to snatch up a marker and eat it...making his lips and teeth and tongue black. That's more than he did yesterday. That's how i knew he was sick...he wasn't even interested in getting into mischief.

I threatened jeremy that i was going to shut the heat off, open this place up and let it drop to 32 degrees F and kill off any and all bugs that might be lingering in here. LOL. I don't want to be sick anymore. THis is the most miserable i have been since my gall bladder attacks..and I have had enough of it.

Makenneh is getting so big and grown up. She has been good far more than she has been bad this past week. She has been very helpful and even tries to teach brother things. like right now, he wants up here and he is hitting me to try to get what he wants. she just told him that he can't hit mom, he has to say UP. Of course, he isn't listening to his lesson. Why is it that kids feel the need to "hit" you to get your attention...ya know..the ol.."Mmoooommmm" while they are hitting your arm or side or whatever. Where do they get that idea from...grrrr.

Well, time to wrap this up and head to the bathroom again! I sure hope this stuff goes away soon!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you are all sick! :( Here's to kicking those germs out of the house!

I hope you all feel better soon Christina!