Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Oh, Marvelous Day!

I know, crazy to see as a title of one of my posts, lately! but, i really did have a decent day! I was supposed to work and well, didn't go. The kids were at my aunt's and so I had a day to myself. Just me! ME! How wonderful! I slept in, I picked up their bedroom and got rid of some toys..a whole garbage bag full and also have some new homes for some of their larger toys like the peek a block hippo that just takes up space and nobody plays with. Then, i leisurely got in the shower, got myself ready and went out and got some lunch. We don't have the money for me to do that, but i said, what the heck! When i was done, i went and got the kids. I came home and started cleaning agian and working on laundry some more. Then, i had to tackle those nasty dishes piling up. IT felt good to get most of the done. Of course, I dirtied a good number of them right away, bc I made some nice steaks for dinner (i was feeling so rich cooking these nice steaks. I don't have to tell you they were part of our Christmas gift from his dad...a whole box of good steaks. Not the cheap steaks. Mmmmm. Then, after dinner, I cleaned up some, put the kids in the bath and got htem out, dressed, teeth brushed and ready for bed. They were both in bed, but Makenneh has decided she needs one more story.

This is our first night with this new routine. But, after nearly losing my marriage the other night, due to the lack of schedule, control and communication, we decided it was time to get things in order around here. We will all feel so much better. I will admit that it was hard at times today. Makenneh really pushes the limits and anyone who spends any amount of time with her will tell you this. But, i didn't give up and give in. I stood firm. I mean business. Right now, i shall read her this one last story and I will tell her so..then it's bed. NO ifs, ands or buts about it. If she chooses to disregard my warning she will soon find out how serious mom is. No more inconsistency if i can help it at all!

So, i am off here to try for a spectular finsih to a wonderful day!

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