Friday, December 29, 2006

Real Quick

I have a houseful of kids, as i stated in last post. Well, my one cousin loves to give massages, so i just lifted my shirt for her to rub my back and my little man came up and started rubbing my felt better than anything....and melted my heart! May he continue to be a sweetie in that department.


Anonymous said...

awww, it's times like those that make the "never get to potty in private" times worth it.

I had to comment on your son's name. I too have a Sebastian ;) We call him Ian for short... I just love that name. I don't see many Sebastians around.

I hope you had a wonderful Xmas, barring stepping on toys-coats-kids and whatever. I know how it is to have a small house, and too much in it at one time. Hopefully it all slows down and calms before the new year for you :)

Julie Q said...

This year, I will be so happy to take the tree down! It takes up so much room.

A massage sounds lovely. Maybe Sebastian will learn to give them by himself. :)