Friday, December 22, 2006

Woohooo, Christmas!

I just love Christmas. It isn't quite as magical and exciting as it was when I was a kid, waking up Christmas morning to find lots of presents under the tree, opening them, playing, then getting ready to go to grandma and grandpa's house....but it's still exciting. Now i get to bring the joy to my kids' faces. And, because I must be kinda spoiled, I still get a decent Christmas from my parents..and now, from my father in law, too! So, i can still be excited about what gifts I will get, too.

My mouth is hurting something fierce. Something i ate must have made little cuts on the roof of my mouth and it is just sore as can be. To top that off, my bottom right wisdom tooth is playing peek a boo again...they do this every so often...start to come up enough to make me feel like a teething baby! I just want to chew on things! I can truly understand how babies feel when they are cutting teeth. It is uncomfortable.

Tonight, i will join the crazy mob of people out doing last minute shopping. IT shall be an experience. My goal is to just finish it all up tonight so i don't have to go back out in the craze. It's raining right now and I really hope that it stops before tonight. I don't want to Christmas shop in a down pour, thank you very much! This weather is crazy!

Tomorrow I have a Christmas party on my mom's side. NO gift exchange, just family togetherness and good food. it's the first time we have done it this way, wihtout a gift exchange, but this year, money is tight for everyone. I kinda feel bad for the kids, bc they are missing out on the gift exchange. I hope to be able to get something small for each of hte little ones, so they still have something to open.

Well, the bear has opened her eyes and is whining that she is it's time to feed the


Anonymous said...

Hey sis,
I am sorry I haven´t written i a while!!But I wwas reading your blog every day!!
Did You receive my ecard?

Julie Q said...

I hope you found a little something for the children to open. :) Especially if they are used to doing that at the family party. Even $1 items work well sometimes.

Did you know stress can make your teeth hurt? I've had that happen before. It is awful. Motrin always helps.

Take care. :)