Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A house with no door...or windows for that matter

Tonight was the "Winter Fun Night" aka Christmas Party for Makenneh's class. All the families were invited and we had a night of crafts.

When we first arrived (which we were about a half hour late), we ate dinner (nothing special, believe me, bc it's school food..i think it was supposed to be bbq rib type things..but it was all processed and formed and shaped..and just wierd..but edible, or maybe i was that hungry). Then, we we headed to the pinecone table, where
we made Christmas trees out of pinecones...they are so cute and fun and easy to make...just get a very small terra cotta pot, glue a pinecone in it..."paint" glue on the pinecone, then sprinkle with glitter, confetti type pieces, whatever you want.

Again, excuse the poor quality...cheap camera! The biggest is the one Makenneh made, the middle is the one i made and the smallest is the one Seb "made". it was complete coincidence that we ended up with a perfect set of "trees". They look just lovely up on the entertainment center!

The next stop was the Santa ornament made from the shape of the kids' hands. We traced their hand, in the mitten shape, with thumb sticking out, cut it out, then they decorated them like santas, punched a hole in top and put an ornament hook in. Just cute!

As you can see, you turn the hand cut out upside down and the thumb serves as the tip of santa's hat! We used googly craft eyes for his eyes and cotton balls for the "fur".

Then it was off to the Gingerbread houses...this is where i would have preferred to start, but hey, i let makenneh pick!
We used empty milk cartons and all the gingerbread making goodies! Talk about a mess! And the frosting was made a bit too thin..but it was still fun and it turned out cute!
And as the subject says...it's a house with no door, or windows! But marvelous nontheless!

Then it was to the Wreath table. Here, we used paper plates with the center cut out, green construction paper and a premade bow! Don't forget the glue...using our finger or scissors, we curled the construction paper and glued it around the plate...

Next, we made picture frames out of foam craft cutouts. It was a simple craft. Miss Wendy took a family picture for each family and we used them for the frames. They even supplied magnets so we can hang our pictures on the fridge! I did this myself, bc Makenneh wanted to work on one without a picture. I didn't get too creative bc by this time, Sebastian was just wandering around, and was rather crabby bc he didn't have a nap today! So, i just used the sticky foam pieces to hold the picture down. Also, we were towards the last ones to get to the tables, so supplies were dwindling...

The last table we visited was a perlebead table. I don't know how to explain these really to those who don't know what they are. But you have a plastic shape with small pegs all over it. you put these little bitty rubbery "beads" onto the pegs, then you put a piece of wax paper over it, iron it just long enough to bond the beads, then flip it over and repeat on the other side. They can make some cute things...but we were running out of time...i made a star and Kenneh made a heart. I didn't take a pic of these bc my star is in the car and her heart didn't get melted long enough so a chunk came out. But, Miss Wendy offered the rest of hte kit to me so i got to bring it home.

We had lots of fun and have lots of decorations for the house!

Oh, and the teachers loved their gifts. I figured they would bc how can you really go wrong with chocolate, unless the person doesn't like it..which i knew they both did!

Tonight was her last night of school until after the new year! The positive is i don't have to worry about getting her to and from school for a couple weeks! The negative is she is going to miss it and not be so happy! Not to mention, the few hours per day break is nice at times! Hey, they do have early headstart for Seb's age...perhaps i should sign him up, eh? LOL. I think that is actually a home based program where they come in and help parents teach the kids, etc.

Anyway, I'm gonna make one more post with the other pics from tonight..the action pics..making the crafts and then that's all i have tonight!

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