Friday, November 10, 2006

8 things about me

Gee, this is hard. Why isn't it 8 things about one of my kids or my hubby or somebody else...anybody else. I can't think of 8 things to tell you about myself..especially if i don't want to tell you things you probably already know.

1. I'm taking JulieQ's advice and letting Seb throw his fit in his crib. He isn't liking it. Hopefully he will soon learn that the fits aren't going to be tolerated around here. Boy, he is sure is flailing himself around in there! I need a sound-proof room for this.

2. Seems how Helen mentioned cell phones, ill share my thoughts....i love mine. I hate the dependancy that most ppl have on them. The thing rings, they are jumping up to answer. They talk on them all the time, everywhere. Get a life, already. I don't even have a life (maybe that's why i haven't a need to be on mine all day). I hate when im with someone and they talk on their cell the whole time. Totally obnoxious and rude if you ask me!

3. I cleaned my place for my Pure Romance party and so far, im doing good at keeping it clean. I like it. I am up puttering all day, picking things up and cleaning up. Hopefully it doesn't turn into an obsession. Hahahahha, im so far the other way, i don't think it will become a problem.

4. I am submitting a resume for an office job. My hubby's cousin told me about it. She works for a doctor and this is one of the doctor's friends. He runs a medical supply or something of the sorts. It would be mon thru fri 9-5 kinda hours. And I'd pretty much be working on my own. love the idea.

5. Sometimes I just wanna escape to a peaceful hide away. Just me.

(let me just say that Seb is still throwing a fit in his crib...)

6. Jeremy drives me nuts at times and there are times when I just wanna punch him...ok, i say that teasingly....but really, he is a good guy. Just rough around the edges, as a lot of guys this generation are. He makes me laugh, he makes me smile, he makes me feel good about myself. And he has come so far with everything. He helps with the kids, the house and all that. I bitch sometimes, but when i sit and really think about it...he does do things to help me out. Right now, he is in the kids' room, helping them find peek a blocks to play with their wagon.

7. I hate hassles and inconveniences. I'd rather avoid them at all cost. And sometimes, i pay dearly for this. I think it's part of my mental disorder, really. It brings on stress and anxiety. For instance, i have to have my doc fill out a leave of absence form for work..i hate it. I put it off until today..the very last minute. Now, i can't pick it up til monday. Sometimes i frustrate myself.

8. I rarely watch tv. Most of the time, we watch movies and even then, i often don't sit and watch them all the way through. It's funny, but i feel like it's a waste of time, yet i have no bones about sitting in front of this computer for hours on end. Go figure!


Julie Q said...

:) If Seb doesn't calm down after a while, you could go into his room, tell him to stop crying and then talk to him. If he continues to cry, explain to him that he won't come out until he calms down.

If he agrees to be a good boy and not throw a fit, then he can come out.

It might take a few times for him to get it, but he will.

I still at times, put Zachary in his room and he knows he can't come out until he's calmed down.

The other me said...

Argh those cell phones!! I hate it when people just won't turn them off or even out them on silent..even at someones home, so rude! I hope the crib idea works, it should do just like the naughty step works here. Good luck!