Thursday, November 09, 2006

Before I go to bed...

Here are some pictures

This pic is from my sis's halloween party. It's my brother, Matt, and his gf, sara. They dressed up as nerdy prom king and prom queen. They were a huge hit at the party. You can't tell from the pic, but my brother has duct tape holding his glasses together, his pants are floods, he is wearing generic converse type shoes and his dress shirt is too small.

She has a dress that is quite ugly to begin with, with added material in the front bc it was tea length. She is wearing a scarfy thing in her hair, horrible makeup, big ugly plastic glasses, and gaudy jewelry. And don't forget the tennis shoes.

THis is a pic of makenneh playing daddy's xbox 360. she has the headset on, even. of course, brother wants to play, too!

And here's a fit....he was mad bc he couldn't have the xbox controller. He is the king of fits! He does the whole throw himself in the floor kinda fits.

Oh and, my Pure Romance party was a bust. Only a few ppl showed up. I still got $40 dollars in free stuff (probably more outta sympathy, than anything, bc the lady who does the parties has been doing parties for us for about 4 yrs.). She also threw in a bottle of this spray called Dream. It has lavender oil, bois de rose, patchouli oil and pheromones in it. It it soothing and helps you relax. She sprayed some on Makenneh...bc it can help kids get tired (same concept as johnson and johnson bed time bath) and then told me spray some on my hot pack i was using for my migraine headache...then she said, ah, just keep that bottle! It was a full bottle (10.50 value). So, i really made out with 50.00 in free. NOt to mention, she hung out with us for a bit and is also going iwth me to a home and garden party i was invited to next week. The other thing I got was some massage cream/lubricant. It is buttery textured and i got the strawberry cheesecake flavor. It tastes and smells just like that, too. We shall see how many massages i get out of it....hahhahaha.

Ok, off to get Makenneh settled down for bed....

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