Wednesday, November 15, 2006

run, run, run

that's all i seemed to do today. I can't complain though. I drove to two different places to pick up stuff i got from One was a computer for the kids. The other was 2 hampsters. I couldn't resist the hampsters. Makenneh's had gotten misused by the we have no cats, so i figured we may as well try again..this time they were free and best yet, they were hand raised and hand fed, so they are pretty friendly. And they are dwarf hampsters. I went to mom's after i did that running...and left htere in time to get Makenneh to school. I no sooner pulled into my parking spot and my cell was ringing. It was my aunt needing a ride home from work. She works downtown flint (just started). So, i had to head right back out to the same area i had just been earlier today to pick up the hampsters. Got back from that and had about 45 mins to spare before heading up to meet my mom for some money before going to get Makenneh from school. Ugh! Now, I am trying to catch up on here, color with Makenneh and get her wound down for bed. i have to work 9-4 tomorrow. I kinda hate morning shifts, only because it means getting the kids up and ready as well as myself...and to a sitter, all before work. Anyway....ho hum.

Tomorrow is payday at walmart, although, I really don't think im getting a check. I think this is the payperiod i was off work. bummer. that means 2 more weeks before a paycheck for me. And i have to admit that we really haven't started Christmas shopping. every year, i have the great intentions of starting early, but it just never seems to happen. I have picked up a couple things here and there; mostly stocking stuffers, but that's it. Bad me. And it is hard for me to find things for Sebastian. Makenneh is so much easier to buy for, bc she is a bit older, has likes, wants, etc. Sebastian is 19 months, doesn't express wants, not really "into" anything except Barney. I am having a hard time coming up with a main gift for him. Makenneh is another story..i have several ideas...from a karaoke machine (which gpa howart actually got her that one system that they can actually see themselves singing on the tv, so i don't really need to get her a karaoke machine now), instruments of any and all sorts, a doll...and then there are all the hundreds of things she sees in ads that she wants, too! I do think she needs to get a lot of art supplies bc she loves to draw and it keeps her busy for long periods of time. She needs stacks and stacks of paper, bc she sure does go through it. That and envelopes. Bc she has to put her pictures in 'lopes. And tape. She tapes things like crazy. I think I just found a way to pack her stocking that is sooo darn huge....tape, glue sticks, paper, markers, etc.

Well, I have to move on to other things and work on getting to sleep...besides, i have had a phone call interrupt my post and now makenneh is being a whine butt, bc it really is past her bedtime!


Anonymous said...

We decided this year that the kids get one big toy and two little ones and then clothes. They get so much stuff from family and with having five kids now it is hard to get them each a lot of stuff. We will also get them some games and books! Hope that you are able to get some ideas for Sebastian. It is hard especially when you already have baby toys from before.

Julie Q said...

If he won't notice, I wouldn't worry about a main gift for Sebastian. When my older three were little, we hardly gave them anything. Especially if they were young and had no clue. Not to be mean, but they didn't know the difference and they were excited anyway. Maybe just wrap him a new ball, some trucks or cars and he will be happy to just tear paper. :) Karaoke CDs are a good idea for Makenneh. My daughter has a karaoke machine and she's always looking for new music. She is 16, but still the same music can get boring. And art supplies are a great idea. :)

Bummer on the empty payday, but the next one should be good right?

Good luck with the hamsters. I hope they like their new home. :)