Monday, November 20, 2006

Long night

Both kids are sick :( I was getting ready to head to bed around midnight and they both woke up from coughing so hard. So, i was out on the couch with both of them, after I gave them some medicine. Seb wouldn't let me put him down. I finally took him to our bed, but Jeremy was laying diagnal in the bed and I'll be damned if you can get him to move..he sleeps like a brick. I asked him, pushed him...i got a couple inches out of it. So, i put seb next to him and i layed at the other end of the bed, on very edge. I slept like that for a lil bit, before Makenneh came in wanting me. Then, i was back out to the couch. Anyway, it's been a long night, up with kids, interrupted sleep, all the good stuff. I hope i can sleep in at least one of the next two mornings. It would make me so very happy.

Well, i need to get off here. Im in charge of the Christmas party on my dad's side and i have to draw the names for everyone and get invites out so they know who they have to buy for. Ill be back later=)


Julie Q said...

Oh my goodness Christina! Such a long night for you. :(

I hope they do better tonight. I like the dimetap for coughs. It helps knock them out as well.

Take care! Try not to get sick yourself.

The other me said...

I hate nights like that, ack. Hope those little cough drops are better oday!