Monday, November 06, 2006

A new mechanic

Tonight I witnessed one of the most beautiful things. It was a moment in which i should have had the camera ready, but seems I didn't, I shall be sure to blog about it.

Jeremy had to finish fixing our car tonight. He was out working on it when I got back from picking makenneh up from school. She stuck at his side and didn't even come in. he had to call me out there to help him with something and she is right down in the midst of all the greasy parts and tools. He emptied out his one tool bag and then asked if she wanted to pick them up...she kept out the red and yellow electrical connectors bc she was going to use them to help fix the car. Daddy had to explain to her that those didn't go on the wheel. Of course, she had to ask why?! So he explained to her what they were. Then, she held the work light for him, the rachet, and she even told me that she was holding the rachet for daddy! Then, when he was near finished, she grabbed the lugnuts and said, i want to put these back on the tire daddy. So, he let her help put a couple of them on and then help him tighten them up with the 4-way! It was just so cute to watch. She was so into daddy and everything he was doing. She wanted to be involved and him teaching her the ropes. My heart sang and for that moment, all the world was right. She then had to test drive the car with daddy and came back to tell me that she went fast but didn't hit any signs! Im scared to know the details of that. LOL. We live in a small mobile home park, so im guessing he let her "drive" the car around.

Then, jeremy came in and took a bath to soak. Makenneh had to go in to pee. I was sitting at the computer researching all the candidates and proposals for tomorrow's vote and i hear sweet chatter coming from the bathroom. It was so sweet. I tiptoed back there and stood for a second in the doorway. Then I went in bc i had to use bathroom too. She gets done and says she wants to take a bath with daddy to wash her hands bc they have grease on them from working on the car, like daddy. It's so hard to explain to a 3.5 yr old why she can't take baths with daddy, specially when she takes them with little brother. So, he told her, through the shower curtain, that when he was done, she could take a bath. She settled for that after a minute or so and all was well.

Well, wednesday I am hosting a Pure Romance party. It's an adult toy party for anyone who hasn't heard of them. They are so much fun and we all laugh so much. They sell a body spray, Kiss, which is awesome. I Love it. I will be getting me some of it. And it must be that time of year for parties like these, bc today i got an invite to a Home & Garden Party for next wednesday. I used to sell Home & Garden party and the hostess is Jeremy's childhood girlfriend. WE all stay in touch here and there. I might go. I know some ppl who would like to order some stuff so i may just work on getting some orders and do a bookshow or something. Everyone loves their candles and they are so inexpensive. Im sure i could get over a hundred dollars in orders and that would get me some free stuff!! And free stuff is always nice, specially around the holidays when there are so many gifts to buy!

Well, Makenneh has finally resigned from coloring so im going to work on getting her to sleep.

Night all


The other me said...

I love moments like that, the memories are so important. I am so happy that you are feeling a bit better, keep being kind to yourself!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet about Makenneh with Jeremy. Is she going to be a little tom boy-working on cars with her daddy all the time. Adrianna is a tom boy but also very girly-don't ask me how that happened! Anyway, talk to you later and glad that things are going good.

Julie Q said...

Such fun moments to remember. :) I'm sure that is one you will always remember.

Ken used to take a bath with Zachary, but he'd wear his bathing suit. :)

Enjoy your party. I hope you are feeling as good as you sound Christina.