Sunday, November 19, 2006

Just Checking In

Been a busy few days...And we had no power thurs and we weren't at home. But, all is well now. Jeremy is over the money thing..he realizes now that things are gonna be fine and he was just worry too much.

I have today thru tues off and return to work on Wednesday and from there on will be quite busy with the holiday shoppers. We are supposed to get an extra 10% for employees soon and I think I will do most of my shopping then. Everyone on my list will be getting Walmart For the most part anyway. I need to clean out my room so i have a spot to put all the gifts to hide until Christmas. Makenneh is getting too big now to just pile them up. They are gonna need to be hidden a bit at least.

Went to the laundromat yesterday t0 catch up all the's rediculous how much it costs to do laundry there. Can't wait to get the dryer in here. My uncle is supposed to do that today for me. My friends mom gave me her mom's old dryer...just gotta get it over here.

Well, I am off here for now....we forgot the hampsters at grandmas (makenneh wanted to take them) so im going back over there to get them.


1 comment:

Julie Q said...

The Laundromat is crazy! When my washer died last year, we delivered our own so we could get it faster. I didn't want to go to the laundromat. ;) I'm glad your friend's mom could give you her old dryer. The first dryer we bought was from a rental place. It was used rental unit, but it lasted us 10 years. We had actually gone in there to see about renting one and we couldn't afford it. The guy offered to sell us one for $100 and we took it. :)

I'm glad to hear Jeremy is feeling better about the money thing. It is so stressful. Years ago, we just cut off everyone but our kids. Told the famlies we loved them but we just couldn't do it any more. We just recently got back into giving our parents a gift, but we never went back to giving sisters and brothers ones.

Take care. :)