Thursday, November 23, 2006

Early to bed...

I started feeling quite sick last night, so i went to bed early. That's why i was up just before 7am without any kids waking me up. My stomach is churning and I've already made a few trips to the bathroom. I have to go to work. I can't imagine they would appreciate a call in on a holiday. I figure though that if it is real bad, i will go in, they will see how sick i am and send me home. i hate to take pepto bismal or anything of that sort, bc if its a bug, it needs to come out so i can get over it.

I feel so completely exhausted as well. Im sure it goes with this bug we have.

Well, im off to lay back down. Kenneh just came and told me her tummy hurts we are gonna go snuggle in the bed. hopefully I feel better when i wake up.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

:( Sorry you had to go in not feeling well.

When I worked at Meijers, we had the meanest manager. She wouldn't let us leave even if we tossed our cookies while at work. So, if you didn't feel good, you called in sick there!

I hope you are feeling better. Perhaps just being around the sick kids made you feel yucky? That has happened to me before.

Take care.