Friday, November 10, 2006


Seb seems to be understanding the crib thing. When he starts throwing his fit, ill just say, do you want to go to your crib...most times he will stop. He also knows now to get the fit over quick if he wants out.; i hope it continues to work.

On another positive note, Makenneh has been good today. Overall, we all had a great day, actually. I spent most of the day doing artwork, cuddling, playing, etc. I think this is what they need...more time with me. I feel good about everything today....I made a nice dinner, we sat at the table, we watched the movie CARS (that daddy just had to buy tonight) and now we are gonna wind down and head to bed. I go back to work tomorrow at 11am. I have such mixed feelings about it. I keep reminding myself that i have been doing this for a couple months now..i can do it. it's no big deal.

Part of me feels like I am just getting to the point that i am really enjoying parenthood...i have seemed to have found a rythem(sp) that is working for us. Before I hated being home bc i felt likme such a failure at it..the house was always a trash hole, the kids drove me crazy....ya know the stuf fyou have been reading about. But these last couple of days, i have seen a brighter side. I have found joy in being home with the kids. even through the uglies.

I talked to Jeremy tonight about the new plan....julieq's plan. I hope he continues it while im at work. I told him that no matter what he is doing...he has to put him in the crib if he doesn't stop throwing his fit. And he has to get him out the minute he stops. Its imperitive that it happens that way or it won't be effective.

And guess what?!! Today while we were outside, Makenneh busted out with a cheer. "Let's get a little bit rowdy....r, (skips o), w, d, y. And she even does the moves to the best of her ability. My cousin, Allana must have taught her this, as Allana is always doing some sort of cheer. I was so impressed though, that out of nowhere, makenneh pulled it from her memory. IT is so cute. She has been going around doing it all day. Oh and she recognized the number 1 today, too. She pointed to it on a sign and said, 1! At first, i didn't know what she was talking about..then she pointed and i saw, it was the number 1. i made a good fuss about it and how smart she is. She continues to amaze me. it's these moments i must focus on to get through the ugly times.

Well, i need to get the troops off to's to more good days, like today...and also to a successful first day; back to work! I can do this~


Julie Q said...

I'm glad it seems to be working! :) If you are consistent, I'm sure it will continue to work.

You are right, Jeremy has got to help reinforce it. I hope he does. It will work with Makenneh too, if you are consistent.

I am glad you had a good day with her. It is a trying age. I especially noticed when they started school trying to get their way a lot. I figured it was partly because at school they are so busy with so many choices. Then they come home to rules not so many choices. That was always my thought on it anyway.

I'm glad you are enjoying being a Mommy. It is a hard job sometimes.

And yes, you can do it! :) I hope your first day back goes smoothly. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you had such a great day! I need one of those! That is so cute about Makenneh and the cheer. Kids are so cute sometimes!