Friday, November 24, 2006

Busy we...

Were not! At least not like Julie described in her comment to my last post. The ppl were mostly decent and because we are located in a suburban area, we didn't get as high of traffic. Most ppl, IM sure headed into Flint, where they could hit several stores in one small area...kmart, walmart, target, the mall, circuit city, etc. We also had every register open, including those in electronics. So, it spread the customers out. Our store also kept the 5-11am sales going and will continue to do so until all merchandise is sold out. So, i thought that was cool of them. You can go in there now and get most of the stuff that was on the early bird special. I had my mom come in and get a few things for the Vsmile for my kids for $30 and a couple barbies and a Little People play set for $10 for Sebastian. All cashiers that came in at 430am got out early today, bc it was slow enough that we didn't need every register open. I was rather glad, bc i was able to do some more shopping.

I don't know what the celebration is all about, but fireworks are going off like it was the Fourth of July!

That sums up my day....except I have to share this...I came home and was put in a "bad" mood. I walked into the kitchen and my oven front was missing....shattered into pieces, that had been swept up and put into a box. Our front of our oven door was made of tempered glass. jeremy got mad at Makenneh and decided to shove the chair which hit the oven and shattered. I was not happy. I didn't go off like a raging lunatic (thank the pills for that). But, i instead sulked more or less while i mulled thoughts over in my head...feeling like i could cry, but no tears came. I hate that about him. He has a bad temper and takes it out on things like that. Which is better than taking it out on people, but it still upsets me bc, A) I hate that he can allow himself to get that mad, B) he can't control his temper, C)i get sick of stuff getting broken around here bc he flies off the handle. I sat silently in the chair and he said, "Christina, don't get grumpy." I told him i wasn't. Which was true. It was grumpiness i was feeling. I told him that I am not going to have my stuff get ruined all the time just because he can't control his temper. I told him i refuse to live that way. He told me that he will work on it. I said, you better do better than just work on it. My job as a parent is to protect my kids and that's what i will do. Then, after a few mins, i went to my bedroom to be by myself. he came in after about 10 mins and climbed in the bed and snuggled up to me and apologized. I didn't say anything, bc the typical response to an apology is, "it's ok" but it's not ok. He said that he knows that what he did was wrong and he will work on it. I told him that it's not enough to just work on it. It can't happen again. I said, i hate feeling like i can't leave you with the kids for any length of time bc you lose your temper. I said that just isn't good. i told him he needs to give himself a time out when he is feeling that mad. I can' t remember exactly how i worded it, but i more or less told him that if it happens again, i will be forced to make a big decision for the sake of the kids. It's not that i think he would ever hurt the's that i don't like them exposed to that kind of rage. He has never hit me or pushed me or anything of that sort (or he wouldn't be here, you can count on that), it's just this anger issue. When he told me that she was p;issing him off, so he did that, i asked him what it accomplished. Silence. it couldn't have accomplished anything positive.

So, on to something else, before i get back in a funk.

He did pick up the house and even did some dishes. I know, hold on to your butt, bc that rarely happens. Maybe he felt bad for what he did. I dunno. He is also making dinner. I won't mention that it's just Marie Calander's Lasagna from a box....i don't have to cook, i don't care.

Seb woke up covered in poo this morning. Thankfully, i wasn't here to have to clean it this time. Makenneh is fine now, other than a horrendous cough. Seb still has a lot of phlegm and the diarrhea.

Yeah, that was a good topic, huh?

so, the oven is beeping, dinner must be done or near done....later for now


Julie Q said...

You know, I don't know where all those people came from at my Walmart this morning! It was probably more than a fire marshal would allow in one building. I'd take bets on that one! :)

Sorry to hear about Jeremy's temper. I do hope he works on it. Perhaps he could go in his room, shut the door and punch a pillow? Or count to ten or twenty....

The other me said...

In this house I yell and H holds it together until something ridiculous makes him flip, I hate it when he loses it because we get weeks of pent up annoynace that he has held in,rage is a horrible thing and somehow it is treated as something that can just be stopped, it takes a lot of work to find out why you have all that anger inside. I hope Jeremy can get some help because just 'not doing it' is the hardest thing in the world! Good luck!