Monday, February 19, 2007

Facing the Giants - movie review

I rented this movie the other day and jeremy had watched it last night while I was out. He told me that it was a great movie and I had to see it. Well, i put it in this morning...and great movie is an understatement. I will be buying this movie to add to our collection.

I sobbed through the entire thing! Not so much in sadness, but in joy. If you haven't seen it yet or even heard about's about a football team that is on a losing streak. The coach is facing many problems/fears, both in his personal life and with his coaching career. He turns to God for strength and guidance and his prayers are all answered. It is very moving! When you are feeling down and out, defeated....this is a reminder that with God, all things are possible. It reminds us that we have hope! We just have to believe.

I have to add here that Jeremy often questions his faith. I guess it would be best to describe him as agnostic. Although, moreso lately, i have heard him confess that he does believe in God,just not organized religion. At any rate, when i rented this movie, I already knew it had a strong religious message. I seriously thought he wouldn't be interested in it! I was so wrong! When he told me that it was a great movie and I had to watch it, I knew it had to be good. I now wish we could have watched it together, but at least we both got to watch it. I think that tonight, we might sit down and watch it again, as a family.

I definitely give the movie 2 thumbs up, 5 stars, highest ratings! I strongly recommend renting it or buying it!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Not sure if Ken would watch that or not. I will ask him if he's heard of it. :)