Saturday, February 24, 2007

That Damn mail lady!!!

OOOh I am peeved beyond peeved!

So,i hear the mail truck coming and go out and STAND ON MY PORCH WITH THE DOG NEXT TO ME! She drives up, we make eye contact.....and she continues on. NO mail again. I was livid. She could have motioned for me to come get my mail or something...Then, to top it all off, a few mins later, I see my neighbor coming over...i got and he had my mail and said, "the mail lady was afraid of the dog." So, she GAVE MY MAIL TO MY NEIGHBOR, WHOM I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!! Not cool! He only handed me one thing (Which was my "love dr" i ordered from the adult party i went to last nice!). So, i came in and looked up the USPS on the web and called. I lodged a complaint there, got a confirmation number and followed it up with an email. I am so mad. The lady i spoke with said that it is illegal for them to give mail to has to go in the mail box, even if i am standing there with my hand out! So, she better be getting in trouble. This is rediculous. So, yeah, it's the weekend,we have no movies to watch, yet I am paying a monthly really grates on my nerves.

I can't find a number for our local post office, or i would call up and request that she bring me my damn mail before going home today. Grrrr! She used to do this shit to my brother all the time too. He would have Jager tied up, be out there, waiting for her, and she wouldn't deliver his mail. One day he got in his car and caught up to her. He was like, "Um, do i have any mail?" She said, yeah but the dog was out. HE said yeah and i was right there with him and he was no where near anywhere you had to go to deliver my mail. She is a bitch!

Oh, and top it off, she was driving the mail truck each box. Usually she just parks at the end of the street and walks. So, she wouldn't have even needed to get out of her precious little mail truck to put my mail in my box. She still couldn't even do that! I so hope she gets in big trouble. I am not for getting ppl fired, reprimanded, whatever...but this is over the top!

on to other news:

Jeremy hadn't been gone long, when i was talking to my mom. Something clicked and I remembered that Makenneh's "male involvement bowling event" was this weekend. Jeremy had thought it was sunday, but saturday was sticking in my head. I dug for the sheet and sure enough, it is today. I discovered this at noon and it started at 1. So, i called him and he went and picked her up and they went. Im so glad that i thought to double check. She loves bowling...and it's good for her and daddy to do things like that by themselves!

Allana and Stephanie (2 cousins) wanna stay the night here tonight. I really don't feel much up to it, but Allana and them will be moving for AZ in a couple days, so i thought, what the heck. I will let them chase after kids and what not,and I will! See, there are some redeeming qualities in teens and pre-teens. (of course, i won't think that when every dish in my house is dirty and messes everywhere...)

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Oh, I would have reported her too. She sounds awful!