Saturday, May 27, 2006

Been too tired to blog

Well, usually my friend has a yard sale every year at her mom's house...great location, stays busy. This year, with her gma's passing nine months ago, they have tons of stuff to sell. Anything that was left of gma's that family didn't want, plus tiffney's baby stuff and so much more. So, a huge yard sale! I had a little bit to put in. Well, I went over thursday to help them price stuff...but bc of the stormy weather ahead, we couldn't set up. So, it was priced and boxed back up. Talk about a lot of work!!!! We were there all day doing this. then, Friday, we were back at it again, setting up, finishing pricing, and opening. We had ppl stopping before we were anywhere near set up!!!! Let me rewind a bit by saying that Friday morning i stepped on jeremy's damn belt and the buckle part right into my foot! So, i have a nice puncture wound on the bottom of my foot. So, anyway, i spend all day yesterday on my feet! Pricing, setting up tables, chasing kids, etc. the sun was out in full force, we weren't prepared, me and Sebastian got burned quite bad. I was feeling sick and grumpy bc doing all this with 4 and 5 kids under foot just sucks, i don't care how you slice it. Spend mroe time chasing kids than you do accomplishing stuff. Finally, Jeremy came to pick us up and i went home about 7. By the time i got home, my foot was hurting so bad I was in tears. I sobbed like a baby. Not just for my foot, which did hurt like no other, but for the long, tiring day as well, my body was burned to a crisp, i was tired mentally and physically! We all fell asleep (well i had put sebastian down in his crib) but we all crashed in the living room...the front door open, contacts in my eyes, on the loveseat with Makenneh...we were tired! They wanted me to come back over today! Well, im sorry but i cannot put my kids out in this heat like this again and I need to spend some time off this foot. I cannot put any pressure on it at all! It is getting infected and im hoping that i can keep it under control without having to go to the doctor. Today, its supposed to be mid 80s with sun! THere is no shade in their front yard at all and im sorry, but imo, there is not enough sunblock in the world to protect my lil baby! Makenneh, the lucky shit, just tans like her daddy! But Sebastian is like mommy and burns. And then the poor guy doesn't have enough hair to protect his lil scalp and it too burns. NO, he will not keep a hat on. Im not going to resort to super glue either! lol. So, today we are staying home. I mean, i shouldn't have to feel obligated to sit over there when I only have a few things there, which i would just as soon get rid of as to worry about selling. Not to mention, the little bit that I am selling is goign to be eaten up with taking money from everyone each day for drinks and food for everyone! Im not gonna come out ahead of the game at all. And it just seems to me that it's easier to run a yard sale with 2 adults and 3 kids vs. 3 adults and 5 kids. It really only takes one adult to run a yard sale. period! So the extra one is just added help.

Then, on top of the sun exposure we already got, tomorrow is our family picnic...and the kids will be out in the sun once again. Im not going to get them crisped before tomorrow, bc tomorrwo is a day of fun for the kids! kwim? Tomorrow, Makenneh gets to see her beloved Great gma whom she talks about every day!

Well, for the most part, i guess im done venting and whatever. I am just miserable as hell. I want to crawl in bed and sleep for a week. Or at least til my foot stops hurting and my shoulders stop burning! I was reminded why i do just give my stuff away rather than save it all for a yard sale. They are too much work and you don't make enough from it to sweat it. I would much rather give my stuff to someone who can use it and appreciate it than to go through the hassle of setting up, running and taking down a yard sale. Money just isn't that important to me.

Oh and my idea of a yard sale is to get rid of the shit so you don't have to box it up afterward. I price to sell....Tiffney has this packrat gene/seperation anxiety/i dont know what to call it....She wants to get her money's worth out of stuff, bc she "knows how much was paid for this stuff". I tried to tell her that the rule of thumb for pricing a garage sale is 10% what it cost to buy...and go down from there for wear and tare, stains, etc. Then, pricing her gma's stuff was a real treat. I totally understand the sentimental value to this stuff, but it has no meaning what so ever to person stopping at the sale to buy it. They don't have emotional attachment to it and arent' going to pay the sentimental value of something. They are looking for bargains. That's where a large part of the mental exhaustion comes them asking.."what should I price this" and knowing in my heart that if it were me, i would be pricing it to sell, but that they want to price on memories! You just can't do it! And i know its hard to try to put a price on gmas stuff! Believe me I know! But I have come to learn in my life that memories aren't held in material objects but in our hearts, in my minds, in our souls. WE can keep every last piece of a loved one's belongings, but it isn't going to bring them back and it's not going to make us closer to them. Cherishing the memories and remembering the good times is what keeps them alive! not the wicker basket they kept their soaps in or the coffee table they sat their drinks on.

Im looking forward to tomorrow, when i have a surefire reason for being at the yard sale. And yet, why do i feel so obligated? I helped iwth the brunt of the work.

Well, hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend!!!!! Enjoy those grills!!


Julie Q said...

I have always given my baby stuff away to someone that needed it. Then they have treasured them as much as I did. :) It is a wonderful gift to someone that can't afford it. I still hand Zachary's clothes on down to my nephew. :)

Your foot sounds so sore! That hurts so bad. :(

It is warm here too. I'm almost not sorry Z got sick and we had to turn around and come back home to our a/c. ;)

JEFFY said...

Hey! I was reading your comment on Helen's Blob Blog. Listen. I think you are very beautiful. I just want you to know that. I left a post on Julie Q's blog and kinda went into some things about how I feel women with extra pounds look to me. You're very young, like my Soonie. You've very beautiful like her. WE aint together. She having my kid in Octobre. I have some regrets. Not about the child, but kinda how it ended when she went back to California. I was attracted to her. I really was. I aint gonna write about this on my blog tho. Kiss from King. Hope you ok. Thanks for all you do!

JEFFY said...

it wasnt julie Q's blog, it was the other Julie Julie BoBoolie's blog. Sorry. Or was it. I get my two Julies mixxed up sometimes. No it was JJBB.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.