Friday, May 05, 2006


I AM: up way tooo damn early
I WANT: the loan to close on the house so we can move
I WISH: Makenneh would potty train.
I MISS: my grandparents (the ones who have passed and my gma who lives up north)
I HEAR: the cat meowing (as always), Sebastian getting into mischief (as and I can faintly hear the music from Narnia (waiting to be started)
I WONDER: if Ill survive these toddler years
I REGRET: Not breastfeeding longer
I AM NOT: consistant enough with my kids and discipline
I DANCE: whenever I have a chance
I CRY: when I feel emotional, when i have lost my patience with the kids, when im sad, when i hear something sad or horrible (ok, im a cry baby, i tend to cry more than the average a very emotional person)
I AM NOT ALWAYS: A good housekeeper.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: dinner, clean clothes, gentle caresses
I WRITE: to vent, to express myself, for fun (i love to write)
I CONFUSE: my hubby, im sure. What man isnt confused by a woman
I NEED: a vacation
I SHOULD: spend less time on the computer and more on cleaning
I START: laundry
I FINISH: most of it a week later or whenever clean clothes take over the hall and require me to fold them
I TAG: Anyone who'd care to do this. :)

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Yucky on the June bugs. :) I had read this morning, but Zachary got up before I could respond. :)

Yes, Walmart is my closest store. I'd be shocked if I figured out how many times a week I'm in there!

How is the no smoking going? I'm keeping good positive thoughts for you! Sorry if you are trying to keep if off your mind and I'm reminding you!