Monday, May 01, 2006

Ooohhh the wait/weight, too

Hurry up and wait. That's the game. LOL. Well, we had to work on some conditions for the loan. We got the all pretty much ready. Then those will be submitted and if everything is acceptable to the lender, we could be closing in as early as 2 weeks. I still refuse to get overly excited. Don't get me a bundle of nerves and nervousness. I do have a good feeling about this deep down. But on the service, Im so afraid of being let down. There could still be glitches. On one hand, I want to start packing, NOW! On the other hand, I feel like if I did, I would somehow jinx us and we wouldn't get it. I know, crazy. But there would be little worse at this point that having to unpack boxes bc we didn't get the loan. They did pull Jeremy's credit report again and his score did go up. It is not at a score that if we can't go FHA, we can go brokered, almost for sure. Tiffney said that they should be able to get us done, one way or another with his score improved. Keep the positive thoughts/prayers coming!

Well, Jeremy and I are trying to quit the nasty smoking habit. We both just finished what was hopefully our last pack of cigarettes tonight. These late nights at the computer are going to be hard for me, im sure. That's when I smoked the most. I have my handy ink pen to click and click and click to keep my fingers busy. I almost wish I could just sleep a few days away and then be over it. Wouldn't that be easier than fighting the urges. LOL. Somehow, I don't see that happening with 2 little ones running around. The walls would surely come down on top of me.

Then, add to that, I started exercising Friday. I did it again today! It makes me feel so much better. I use the Walk Away the Pounds tapes with Leslie Samsone. Its like an 18 min power walk exercise. The moves vary, so it doesn't get monotonous and it's actually pretty fun. Then, my next habit to tackle is my Coke addiction. No, not the white stuff...The fizzy brown stuff! I drink Coke like there is no other. I have to slow down on that. And then modify my eating habits. Gee, this is all starting to sound like a lot of work, isn't it. But I know it would be so worth it. I can't imagine being able to go into any store and buy any cute outfit, off the shelf without looking like a beached whale in it. I also can't imagine hearing fat jokes or fat comments and not feeling uncomfortable, bc hey, I wouldn't be fat. Even knowing that I am exercising and working on it, empowers me. It makes me feel less self-conscious about it, bc I can honestly say, I am doing something about it. I am trying to make a change. That feels better than knowing in all honesty, that Im doing nothing about it.
And one motivating factor is thinking of all the new sex positions to be tried. LOL. Sex in the shower would actually be enjoyable..and not a clumsy attempt at a circus act. I know, tmi. Despite this weight though, I must say...I can still touch my toes. I was surprised. I figured those were long since out of reach. But, really for my size, I am still able to weave, maneuver and such quite well. I can walk, I can run (although not a pretty sight im sooo sure), I can bend, twist, climb.

So, here's to loan approvals, smokefree lungs and a smaller waist!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I was hoping you'd know by now. Good luck with everything!

Especially the not smoking. It truly is a good thing to get rid of. Both of my parents quit and they would probably both be gone now if they hadn't.