Friday, May 19, 2006

That's why God intended 2 parents

Jeremy just got home and all is quiet! Go Figure! I feel better already! All you single parents out there...i don't know how you do it!

Jeremy came home with 6 pack of budweiser! He said he had a day from hell too! Must be in the air. I think we need some damn Sunshine!

=The calm AFTER the storm! Makenneh decided to climb up in the front window and she fell asleep. She looks so angelic sleeping there! Couldn't be the same kid that just caused me so much heartache not even 20 mins ago?!!!??!??!


Julie Q said...

Oh my! Sounds like a bad day!:( I'm fairly certain that 3's are worse than 2's. And a tired 3 year old is the worst. Glad she passed out and I hope she didn't stay up too late from the nap.

I don't like beer, but there have been days I've said, if I drank, I'd have one tonight. My Mom used to drink one a night before bed. Of course she had five kids.

Take care!

LosingSanity said...
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LosingSanity said...

i accidentally hit enter on my last comment before i was done...

anyway, the good part is, my aunt is keeping the kids all weekend! this is our anniversary weekend (ann is on monday) so we get to have a fun filled weekend.

And, I usually do not drink beer either. Can't stand the taste hardly, but it was available...and relaxing to have 3/4 of a beer.
And I can understand, Julie, why your mom had a beer each night before bed! my hands are full with 2....Bless the souls with more than that!