Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I just want to go to sleep for a week. My night only got worse. Poor Makenneh started throwing up in her sleep. So, puke was all over her, the chair, onto the floor. It was a mess. ANd i was so afraid she would choke on it bc she wouldn't sit up. She also didn't want to sit up to let me clean her up. It was a struggle. But, i finally got her cleaned up and moved to the couch, so I could clean up the chair! I will be so glad when this bug has left this place. I have had my fill of shitty diapers, puke and cranky kids.

I think I may be getting sick now. I have a headache, i feel sooo tired I have to fight to keep my eyes open and I just feel like shit. Of course, it doesn't help that this place smells like a dirty diaper mixed with puke.

I have been stuck in this house since Saturday when the kids started getting sick. No, i take that back, sunday we did go to his dads, bc at that point, we thought sebastians loose stools were due to lactose intolerance. This place is trashed bc I have no energy for cleaning. It's awful.

On a positive note, tomorrow is bunco! I get to get out of the house for a few hours and socialize with other women and not worry about shitty diapers and vomit and dirty dishes, etc.

Well, i guess I am off here to lay down. How awful I know. There is definitely cleaning to be done. Before getting off here, I think I will look up some things to help alleviate diarhea. ughghh God help me.


The other me said...

oh no!!! I hope you all get better soon,puking is my nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Mom has been having some good luck with Metamucil. Seems it works on diarreah as well as constipation. The visiting nurse told her to try it because her diabetes meds gives her the s--ts. Maybe it will work for flu symptoms, too. Let me know.

Love you

Julie Q said...

How awful! :( I hope everyone is feeling better soon.

I don't know if anything can help diarrhea when it is flu associated. I have heard the BRAT diet is good for it. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. I think I'd stay away from the applesauce though. And I'd give them (and you!) all the liquids they can handle.

Take care. I hate the pukies! :(

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.