Friday, May 12, 2006

Girls lying about their age

See, Julie, I told you I felt a blogging moment coming on while reading your post. This is just a topic that completely irks me.

So, if a teen girl lies about her age to a guy and he meets up with her, why is the guy the only one to get in trouble.? I mean, the girl commited the biggest crime (be it a moral crime, but still) and yet, she gets off scott free. There should be some amount of trouble for these damn girls lying about thier age. Maybe, if there were some legal repercussion, they would be less apt to lie. And hold me to this....when the time comes, if my daughter gets caught lying about her age, she better hope like hell the law does get ahold of her before I do. Bc there is nothing funny or cute that I see about that. It's messing with someone's life. The guy is labeled a sex offender/pedophile when he didn't even know he was doing any wrong. Granted, he should have "known" her real age. But come on. How many times have you gone on a date and either asked for your date's id or had to show yours to your date? Thats just freakin ludicrous. And on that same many teens girls do you see that look well over 18???? A lot. its a common thing.

And I realize the age of consent is 16 for MI, but in all honesty, if a 13 yr old has gone through the trouble of hooching herself out, wearing provocative clothing, putting on oodles of makeup, and lying about her age, all for the sake of getting a guy, then I think its fair to say, she is consenting to a relationship, including sex. Not saying that she is "asking" for unwanted sex (ie, rape) but that she is most likely trying to get sex and if she consents then how is it anything but consentual sex? GRRRR.

I guess I will have to teach my son to ID his dates, before he even goes anywhere with them. It's a sad thing that our society has come to this. And shame on all the girls who lie about their age for the sake of getting a guy. That's just WRONG in so many ways. Ruin a guy's life so you can try to get what you want.

Anybody reading this with young girls, I hope beyond all hope that you take the time to discuss with your daughters, the importance of being truthful about their age. I hope you take the time to explain to them how much they can ruin a guy's life by lying. It isn't innocent and it isnt funny nor a joke. It is serious.

ok, im done ranting.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

My girls wouldn't lie about their age, and I will warn my boys about girls doing that.

It is sad how some girls ruin men's lives with lies. It also makes it hard for some women to prove when something bad really does happen.