Friday, May 19, 2006

I've had ENOUGH

These kids are driving me crazy! They have done nothing but whine, get into shit and push my buttons for days now. Makenneh seems to be deaf bc she doesn't listen to a damn thing i tell her. When she doesn't get her way, she throws fits. Today, I was doing the dishes and she wanted to pull the high chair out into the living room. well, you could hardly walk through l. room as it was, bc they had blocks and toys all over. I told her she needed to pick up her blocks and I put the high chair back. I go back to dishes, and she starts pulling high chair to the l. room. I tell her she cannot take the high chair into the living room, it belongs in the kitchen. again told her she needed to pick up the blocks. i turn a 3rd time to the dishes and she DOES IT AGAIN. She just doesn't get it. So, i put the high chair back and swatted her bottom. SHe then proceded to throw her toy stroller at me! WHOOAAA! I took the stroller away from her and told her very crossly that she is not to throw things at me. So, she gets the stroller again and throws it at this time, i am seeing red! I stepped on the stroller (luckily it just folded it up and didn't break up). i tossed it into the corner and told her not to throw things. So, she goes back to the corner, grabs the stroller and heaves it again. And you guessed it! She got her ass swatted! I give up.

so, after the outburst, i made her sit on the couch and i sat next to her. I told her that she cannot throw things at me and that she has to listen to me. When i tell you means NO. Period. I told her I loved her and gave her a hug. Well, she was fine for quite some time. THen, she decided she wanted to go outside. So, fine! I figured it would do her good. HAH! She wanted in then out. SHe wanted something to put bugs in, so i got her a dish. Then, she wanted me to go out and help her find bugs. I explained to her that it was too yucky outside for brother to be out and so i can't be outside with him in here. She gets mad and sits on the steps refusing to come in. WHATEVER. By this time, i would sell them to the first person who would take them. (ok not really, but my nerves have done exploded). Then, i wait a minute, check on her and she is GONE! WTF! I call for her and she is in the front of the trailer. I told her she cannot leave the yard, so she needs to come in. I bring her in (more like, had to drag her in) and now she is fighting to get outside. I had to sit in front of the door to keep her in. As i sat there, i thougth about fucking rediculous it was that i had to SIT in front of the door to keep a child inside. I told her I was counting to 3 and if she was not away from the door, she was going in her room. She didn't move. so, i picked her up, took her to her room and told her she can stay in there until she is ready to behave. WEll. she was right back out and at the door. All the while, Sebastian is into everything, eating stuff out fo the trash, throwing trash on the floor, you name it. So, I finally have decided, whatever. Jeremy can deal with the whole lot of them when he gets home, which better be real damn quick. I put sebastian in his crib....seems how he hasnt taken a nap all day, but just sits in there screaming....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christina, even tho i have no kids of my own, i have much experience filling in for mom's (babysitting)
on those days when they are acting like in your blog, remember how Kenneh, settled for a while after you sat beside her,(after she was punished)? The best thing is take time with the kids. Sit on the floor, play with the blocks, a calm and accepting Mom goes a long way to changing a kid's behavior. If you are close or even losing your temper, do an about face, become fun and happy. while never allowing the mean,ugly behavior (without screaming). It works. It takes practice, but the good thing about practice is you get good at it in just a short while.

Hope the sun is shining at your house!

Happy anniversary,
Love you,