Thursday, May 11, 2006

Better Day

Well, My day has gone better than last night. Perhaps that's because I put Sebastian down for a nap and then napped myself. Shame on me, bc Makenneh was still up. she managed to be good, surprisingly. OF course, I was napping on the love seat and sorta had an eye and ear open. The best start was changing Sebastian's diaper and finding it only wet with pee and no poo. Then, I put him down for that nap and when i just got him up about a half hour ago, there was shit everywhere in that crib....on him from head to toe! There just seems to be no winning. But even this diarrhea had more consistancy than what it did have. So im hoping this means we are on the upswing of this nasty stuff. And Ill learn about buying cheap diapers. They are only any good if you enjoy changing kids outfits frequently and bedding daily. But, i do suppose the cheap diapers are better than none at all.

Tonight is Bunco. The dice game 12 of us women get together once a month to play. Its exciting to get out of the damn house without kids. I still think we need to start holding it

Well, I gotta get off here, bc as soon as hubby gets home, I have to leave for Bunco~

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I'm glad your day was better. And you got a nap. I did too! ;)

I hope you enjoyed your evening out.