Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Weekend

Holy crap, this weather is nuts. We went from a chilly, rainy 50s to a hot, sunny 90s overnight just about. I cannot believe how hot it is! Today's high is 94. it is 1130am and already 90. I hate to complain, though, bc for the first time in I couldn't tell you how many years, our family picnic at the park was warm and sunny rather than cold and rainy!

Makenneh played hard at the park. She took daddy on a long walk down the bike trail looking for frogs. She played on the playscape equipment, ran around and just had a blast.

For all the talking she has done about going to see ggma, she was shy at first. Of course, she had a bit of an attitude as she got grumpy. But, i finally got her to go sit by ggma and talk to her. Then, she wouldn't move from the picnic table...kept saying she was going bye bye with her. So, they did take her back to my uncles where ggma was staying the night...she stayed there with my parents til about 930. Then, stayed the night with my parents. My dad was looking at the kmart ad and decided that the kids needed a pool. Sent my mom up early this morning to get a pool. She got a decent sized pool for them, an inflatable boat for Sebastian and beach ball for Kenneh. Then, they set it all up and are filling it right now. Gpa also cleaned up the little tykes play equipment we got from a friend. The kids aren't gonna wanna leave there!

Neither am I for that matter...they have the air conditioner in and we don't have ours in yet. Mom mentioned that maybe papa(my dad) needs to get central Of course, i would be all for this!

Well i took some pics from yesterday..not that many though..i will post them when i get home tonight we are going to my parents to have a cook out and play in the lil pool. HEHEHE!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


The other me said...

I NEED SOME SUN!!!!! I am SO SO SOOO tired of our weather, enjoy some of that sun and water play and frog catching for me and mine!

Julie Q said...

I hope you get your a/c hooked up soon. Of course, it is supposed to cool off later this week. I am actually happy about that though. Sun yes! Humidity, No! ;)

We have a lovely outdoor pool here, up by the office. It's 5 feet in the deeper end and then about 3 in the shallow end with steps going down into it for the little ones. :) We just need to get our pool passes and then go up and use it! :)

Keep as cool as you can! I love fudge bars on a hot day.

JEFFY said...

I wish everyone might sunshine! I hope you are feeling better too! I hope you are stronger, rested and refreshed, and I think you are a saint for taking that child! I'll never forget that! Kiss King

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