Thursday, May 04, 2006

June Bugs

I hate these bugs. They are absolutely disgusting. From start to finish, they are just nasty! I realize they are harmless, but they are sticky and they noisy and just eeewww! So, im sitting here on the computer, waiting for Tiffney to get here for the kids and hear the infamous bbbzzzzzzzzz sound. They have a distinct sound. I just knew it was a June bug. Sure enough, that nasty thing was buzzing at my screen at the kitchen window. Thank God he was on the outside. I would have died if he had gotten in. So, i remembered the wasp spray..i shot him with that. Im afraid this year is gonna be a bad year for them, as I have seen sooo many of them already. In fact, my lovely son almost ate one today, while outside. It was dead already, but as soon as we sat him in the grass, he reached for it. But I got to him before it got to his mouth. I will be ever so miserable this summer if we are stuck here....we will be over run with june bugs and boxelder bugs. I hate those too. Again, another harmless bug, but we have a female boxelder tree in our yard and so these bugs are abundant. They cover the outside of our mobile home, the ground, they are everywhere. They get in here and it seems i am constantly killing them. I did some research and unfortunately, they are quite the hardy bug. Not much kills them. (thinking to myself...i wonder if that wasp spray would many cans would I need to load up on?). Moreso, I just hope we are in our house this summer and I will never have to deal with the overpopulation of boxelder bugs again!

Here is a lovely picture of the yucky June Bug! ewww eww ewwww! Why do we need these things around?

While Im at it, why do we need mosquitos, box elder bugs and ticks? What good do any of those things do? LOL

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