Monday, May 01, 2006


That's what my loan officer/realtor is calling tomorrow(monday). He submitted our loan application to underwriting last week and we should know tomorrow morning if we were approved or denied. Please say a prayer, cross your fingers, whatever it is you do. Friday, we were finally able to get Jeremy over to look at the house. While we were there, a couple showed up, looking around the yard, etc. Then, as we were leaving, they started asking a few questions and said that they were waiting for so and so to show them the house! My heart sank to my gut. I was ill. I want this house and they are looking at it too! Nothing like putting the pressure on. Our saving grace is our realtor, Jamie, talked to the listing agent and he knows we are interested in the house. The listing agent also will not accept any offer without a verification of funds. So, hopefully this couple does not have a verification of funds and hopefully we get approved, so we can submit an offer tomorrow. Jamie's boss looked over our file and said he is 75% sure that they will approve us. That's better than i expected.

Every time I close my eyes, I can see us living in this house. I dreamt about it a couple nights in a row. Thurs night, i dreamt that I received a call from a lady telling us we had a clear to close! I was so excited that I ran outside screaming and hollering, whooping it up! I want that to be true! This dream was before I knew that Jamie had submitted our loan to underwriting! I hope its a good sign.

Im afraid to get too excited, bc I have been let down before on a house and its hard. I want to be happy and excited and feel good about it, but im scared of what will come of it. I have to keep reminding myself that whatever is meant to be, will be. Everything happens for a reason. But, i believe that this house is why we couldn't get the house on Lake Road, that I absolutely loved. This house is almost half the cost and close to equally as nice. Our payments will be pocket book friendly. Our taxes will be far less than they would have been at the other place. so, maybe this is how it was meant to be. Who knows?

Anyway, Im off to bed, before the ball in my gut really knots up and im unable to sleep. The closer it gets, the sicker I feel.

Wish me luck.....send me moving vibes....that we will get to be moving very soon!


Julie Q said...

Oh how exciting! Good luck to you! I will think positive for you! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm wishing you good luck and me good luck - you get your house and i get my job!!

Love you,